Monday 28 May 2012

Chapter Twenty Five - Champagne

As with all books there is a chapter previous that must be read in order to fully understand how it all began and how we find ourselves in the current adventure. It all begins in Chapter Twenty Five. My 25th year was also my champagne 25th Birthday (25 on the 25th of April)
I did some of the most incredible things that year. I received a string of vintage pearls and matching earrings from my parents and attended the loveliest tea party birthday's thrown for me by my Auntie Donna and cousin Nicole. I was also helping to finish building my parents dream acreage home that began the previous year (that's a whole other chapter!) I traveled to the place that remains on the top of my dream bucket list - Russia for two weeks three days after my birthday. My Russian Visa arrived two days before I was scheduled to leave, I was nearly this close to not going at all. I started off in St. Petersburg then traveled to Tver and Novgorod and finished in my favourite city there, Moscow! I met some wonderful people whom I can't wait to travel with a gain, I learned a language I never thought I could learn and I spend each day in complete amazement that I was where I thought I was! A year later and the memories still make me smile and I take an imaginary walk down Tverskaya Street to Moscow's Red Square and Kremlin. I am already looking forward to returning to the misunderstood country that holds the most incredible beauty I have ever seen. When I returned from Russia in the middle of May I was fortunate enough to be offered a position at Uniglobe Geo Travel which I accepted. I finished off the house with my father in June and we moved in later that month before I began my dream career as a Travel Consultant, something I had been working towards since 2009 and this was my chance to get my foot in the door. As with most things my dream job ended up breaking my heart when I found out how little money I would be making to do something I adore. So instead I set my sights on an international job, a two birds with one stone type of situation, traveling and making money. Now that's heaven! I was given an interview in London with a European transportation company so I headed off the day after my parents birthday (#50 for my dad!) which had us greeting tons of familiar faces and sharing the best stories and delicious food at our new house! There were twelve of us at the interview and only five received job offers to work for the company, I shamefully wasn't one of them. Instead of sulking around in despair I ended u having the best mini vacation of my life! I saw two musicals - The Lion King with a brand new fast friend and then Chicago with another fast friend which ended up having me meet America Ferrera afterwards the day after the interview. So I took that high and continued along with it for the rest of the week. I had high royal tea at The Ritz Hotel with champagne and the most perfect little pink birthday cake presented to me on a silver platter! I tried on jewellery I could only ever dream of owning and the most exquisite dresses at the fanciest shops in London. When you look the part you get treated the part was my motto for the trip, and boy did I look the part. So even through the job was a bust I knew when I came home I would find something just as adventurous to go do! December was a whirlwind of Christmas activity after I returned from London and when I began my search for a new career something jumped out at me. It was an international open day through the airline Emirates in Dubai at the Crown Plaza in downtown Edmonton. I set it aside for a few weeks and didn't think much of it. I couldn't imagine myself living in the Middle East nor as a flight attendant. A week before the interview something told me to print off a resume and go to the interview and just try to see where this might take me. Literally the next thing I knew I was 1 of 87 people standing in the lobby of the hotel feeling incredibly out of place and nervous for what I had gotten myself into. I plastered a smile on my face and introduced myself to the first two girls nearest to where I was standing. Eight hours later I was 1 out of 7 people sitting in a room hearing the words "Congratulations you have made it to the end of todays activities and now we will schedule you all for a one on one interview to take place this weekend!" That was January 20th 2012. My one on one interview was January 22nd 2012. Six weeks later I received the "golden call" to move onto the next steps of accepting the position, medicals. Something I thought was going to be a breeze ending up taking two months longer than it should have. Two days before my 26th Birthday I got my second "golden call" to say that I had passed all the necessary hoop jumps and could now resign from my current job.
Which brings us to the present, with still more waiting. This time it's for my Working Visa and Cabin Crew Accommodation as well as flight details. My current Date Of Join is June 17th 2012 which is a short three weeks away. I am a flurry of activity, packing, planning, studying, more packing, more planning and more studying! I am incredibly excited for this chapter in my life, and I am just as thrilled to find out how it turns out.
I'm back in study mode, refreshing my memory on all the IATA codes and airline lingo. I will be moving up the ladder before I know it!
20 Days left in Edmonton - my time just became incredibly coveted.