Monday 20 August 2012

Red Eye's Indeed!

I was eating Oreo cookies in the Cockpit at 4AM, I love my life.
A red eye flight is a very different experience, one I don't know if I will ever fully get used to. Everyone is like walking zombies, it's a miracle I didn't fall asleep standing up or drop anything on the passengers in the aisles. Now I understand how Auto-Pilot are doing all the same motions I did from my previous flight but without knowing it. I am handing out meal trays and when I am back in the galley I wake up and realize where I am and have to check the cart to ensure that what I thought I was doing I actually did!
I had another wonderful flight, it was extremely difficult for me to stay awake but I did for the most part until I was in my jump seat in the Cockpit preparing for landing back into DXB and then I crashed. Thank goodness I had the loveliest flight deck crew again - David and Tim. David had the pleasure of getting me back awake and placing my hat on my head so I could be sent out to bid farewell to the passengers. The cabin crew all congratulated me on a successful journey and said how surprised they were at how well I had done both with the service and staying awake for everything!
My safe talk question was: "Leanna - How will you contact the flight deck in an emergency?" This answer I spit out because it was so wonderfully easy - "Release the handset and press PRIO CAPT"
And just like that two briefings and safe talks done! Ta Da! I was in briefing room 1 this time and I was all alone at check in, I didn't have any batch mates with me like on my Iran flight.
It was a longer flight to Bangalore India so it wasn't nearly as rushy, we even had time to sit down and snack a little if you were hungry. The crew is constantly drinking water and munching on fruits or veggies. I did a beverage/bar cart on my own and did pretty brilliantly, I didn't ask for help once, nor did I spill anything or mess up a drink! Then I double ended a meal cart and clearance cart again, so I am really getting my hands dirty for my first operational flight when they will be expecting more of me. I got home this morning at 10AM and went to sleep immediately but not before calling Evita to check if there were any changes to my roster and sure enough I was reporting for duty the next evening again as per the message.
You have been informed of a duty change - MED Saudi Arabia Flight 6807 Departing August 20th at 1:15AM and arriving back to DXB at 8:15AM. Equipment type is a Boeing 777. Receiving this message confirms your compliance. Thank you. Goodbye.
So I will stay on the same time of being awake at night and sleeping during the day to prepare for my "now" first operational! This flight snuck up on me because I was thinking since I already received two SUP flights I would have the next two days free but they must love me, so back to work I go!

Second Red Eye:
What a horrible experience. Everything and everyone was rushy and disorganized. I was able to stay awake the whole flight with no problem since I had prepared two nights previous to my flight but I was disappointed with the outcome of my experience. I was given operation of a door (L4) that is the fourth door down on the left side of the plane (port side) It was stressful at best. People do some of the strangest things, they touch the lever and lean on the door, they unbuckle their seat belts and begin walking around as we are taking off and landing, they ask for six different drinks and then can't fit their meal tray anywhere near them. It was a very frustrating experience. I tried my best to stay positive and smiley, but a lot of the crews behaviour was really getting me down. The passengers were testing me ten fold, I had to be commanding with people on my very first operational flight, something I didn't expect. But when they are that daft to get up during take off, I mean come on! I will yell at you so loud the entire flight can see how foolish you are. I am glad it's over now, and I hope I never have another experience like this. My fingers are crossed, otherwise I will be home much sooner than expected.

I have the next four days off until my weeks roster begins with a flight to Kuwait, Jeddah and finally my first layover in Singapore! I will still be checking Evita like a crack addict because I am so nervous that she will assign me a flight on my days off (which is IMPOSSIBLE!) but I am still scared it will happen and I will miss a flight.

Leanna xo
P.S It's almost payday! :)

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