Thursday 9 August 2012

Simply Epic

I feel like a pile of 100 dollar bills sitting on top of a cherry cheesecake.
Chalk my score card up to 3 - 100% exam marks over the last three weeks.
I am doing better at this than I even expected for myself. I love everything about this career. So far..
Today we had a mock up flight from DXB - DOH (Doha) it's a crazy short flight, 50 mins to be exact which leaves us 10 mins for service between push off, securing the cabin, take off, re-securing the cabin, decent and landing. The magnitude of serving 320 passengers in the Economy cabin ALONE in 10 mins is incredibly daunting to say the very least.
So two more days next week, Sunday and Monday and then it's all over folks.
I only have one more Bar Practical to complete and then two more mock up flights until the real thing is upon me.
I can't believe it. Time really did fly by.
I am also very thankful the weekend has arrived, it's been a long sleepless week. I've probably had less than 19 hours of sleep in the last 5 days. Every night was a late night no matter what I promised myself, I always ended up finding something else to read over "just one more time" before bed. Clearly it paid off, I also did a lot of standing up at the back of the class this week to avoid falling asleep during the lessons as well but you pick your battles. No alarm bells tomorrow morning, I plan to sleep the entire 48 hours this weekend (ha), I wish. I've got studying and homework to do, not to mention house chores and fitting in a little R&R by the pool! Let you know how it goes!

In other news, I need to find myself a new bandana. A killer one, I don't know what yet, but I am determined to find one.
Why the bandana you ask?
Check it:

I'm dying of excitement! I am so exhausted from this week and as soon as I saw this, I felt like a pile of 100 dollar bills sitting on top of a cherry cheesecake. I bet you the whole pile of bills they are going to do "Little Girls Pointing and Laughing" and I will die. I haven't heard it live in almost 8 years. If I do nothing else this year, I must see this show. Nothing will get in my way. I'm going to be a little adventurous with it as well, since I have a license to fly, why not use it? Brazil, Australia, come on! I feel like my old self all of a sudden with the butterflies in my stomach at the thought of seeing their final performance. These guys have shaped such a large part of my life, I can't imagine where I would be without them.

Another awesome event:
Cancer Bats are playing across Europe in the month of January! I should be able to request certain flights on specific days by then, so that's going to be incredible! I'm thinking Barcelona and Berlin shows!

I could make a real habit out of this career! Shopping and seeing shows around the world! :)

Leanna xo
P.S I deserve a spa day.

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