Sunday 26 August 2012

Roster Day!

It's about time for an update huh?
I had from August 21st-24th off, I did a lot of sleeping, shopping and fixing.
We received a new fridge a few days ago, and it's been lovely! You don't realize how much you depend on your kitchen appliances until one breaks! Especially the fridge, I was living on Ritz Crackers the last four days, which wasn't a big deal because I gave myself food poisoning testing the waters with the half frozen, half thawed food in the fridge. Horrible, terrible idea.
Lesson learned!
I had my first rostered flight last evening August 25th to Kuwait, just a quickie turn around in the evening. I left home at 1PM and my flight was set to leave at 4:15PM until we were notified of an aircraft reconfiguration and suddenly I went from studying the last two hours on Airbus to suddenly being safe talk quizzed on a Boeing 777. Sweet! That and we were delayed at HQ for 45 min. Even better! Made the best of it because I had an old batch mate with me, so we had time to talk about the last few weeks and what each of us has been up to!
We ran the flight with our heads cut off, it was such a small window for service delivery and collection, I kind of like the thrill of beating the other girls down the aisle way back into the galley with either a full trolly or empty depending! My competitive side is lashing out like a monster these days. Perhaps that's good?
My next flight is August 27th another turn around however this time a red-eye to Jeddah Saudi Arabia leaving home at 6PM, flight departs at 9:15PM and we arrive back home at HQ at 4:40AM then tack on another 40 mins and I will be home and into bed. Just enough to switch my sleep arrangments back to days and nights. I'm staying up all tonight to prepare for the red-eye. Sleeping in the day, staying awake at night. It's a bizarre schedule! Surprising easy to adapt to however!
My next flight is August 30th, my first layover! We transit through Colombo, Sri Lanka and then spend 26 hours in Singapore! I get back September 2nd at 6AM which means both the flight there and back is a red-eye so chances are I will be doing more sleeping in the hotel than sightseeing because my sleeping schedule will be flipped! Boo Hiss!
Today was lovely! Got to spend the day with Melandi! First we headed into HQ to pick up our hobo pay checks (It'll get better I hope!!) then cash it and I proceeded to make my rounds to take care of some dirty business, yelling at the bank manager about taking a month to open my account, the account of which I still haven't received my debit card nor it's number, which as you know is ridiculous and completely unacceptable! That got her moving fast, finally!
Then onto the Medical Clinic to deal with as to why I haven't received a call from the nurse yet seeing as how I phoned on Wednesday to make my TB vaccine appointment and haven't heard anything back yet. That is a whole different story, one I would rather just deal with as it comes. The answer is no I still don't have an appointment and no they are all out of the TB vaccine. I was assured by the doctor that should I be rostered for a flight to a location that is a possibility to contract TB that I won't be offloaded, I proceeded to explain to him that I would offload myself should this situation arise. Is everyone half retarded here? Honestly...sometimes!
Then we headed to Marina Mall near our apartment for a little grocery shopping at our latest haunt Waitrose (it's a British grocery store) which has a lot of similar things from Canada including the one and only (get ready for this Nicole!) Arizona Tea Ginseng and Honey in the pretty glass bottle! It could have come in a box and I would have bought it! I've been nursing a cold the last few days as well since I fixed the AC which is my guess on the culprit so I've been downing various vitamins from Boots Pharmacy (another store straight from the UK) and loads of fruit and vegetable drinks - Orange and Carrot anyone?
Then we stopped for a quick treat at Shakespeare and Co. which is an incredibly sassy tea shop with the most divine pastries and decor! It was all up my alley, so we both settled on the strawberry cheesecake and hot chocolate - mind you this was also our lunch! Then we hoofed it home because more importantly today is our first month roster day announcement!
I have a full roster to report for all of September and it's AMAZING!
From the top!

September 1 - I will be coming home from my Singapore/Colombo Layover.
September 2 - Day Off
September 3 - Day Off
September 4 - Depart for a red-eye to CCJ (Kozhikode, India)
September 5 - Arrive home from the red-eye
September 6 - Layover in CPT (CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA!) - Great White Shark Cage Dive!
September 7 - 24 Hour Layover in Cape Town
September 8 - Arrive home from Layover
September 9 - Day Off
September 10 - Depart for a red-eye to CAI (Cairo, Egypt)
September 11 - Arrive home from the red-eye
September 12 - Layover in DME (MOSCOW, RUSSIA!!!!) - I cried I was so thrilled!
September 13 - 26 Hour Layover in Moscow
September 14 - Arrive home from Layover
September 15 - Day Off
September 16 - Day Off
September 17 - Layover in DME (MOSCOW, RUSSIA AGAIN!!!!) - I was jumping up and down!
September 18 - 26 Hour Layover in Moscow
September 19 - Arrive home from Layover
September 20 - Depart for red-eye to KHI (Karachi, Pakistan)
September 21 - Arrive home from red-eye
September 22 - Day Off
September 23 - Day Off
September 24 - Day Off
September 25 - Depart for a red-eye to BOM (Mumbai, India)
September 26 - Arrive home from red-eye
September 27 - Depart for a red-eye to DOH (Doha, Qatar)
September 28 - Arrive home from red-eye
September 29 - Layover in BHX (BIRMINGHAM, ENGLAND!)
September 30 - 24 Hour Layover in Birmingham
October 1 - Arrive home from Layover

And that's an entire months roster! Pretty incredible! I am over the moon with all of my layovers! It makes all the tough red-eyes well worth it for sure! I had wished every night for a layover in Moscow at some point during my time here and then on my first roster I received two! I must have done or said something right to be this lucky!
I'm sorry there hasn't been an update in awhile, I have been doing a little covert planning of my own for coming home as well as Mum and Dad's big 12/12/12 birthdays coming up in December! It's not for sure yet, but we are all so excited! The plan is for the three of us to go visit the Queen for a wonderful full week together, yes London! I've been searching out some of the most creative ideas, I'm looking forward to finally showing my parents a taste of my divine lifestyle and passion! Each day we can't wait to talk about new ideas and findings, that in itself is the best adventure! We are all super stoked on this!
Keep you updated of course!

Leanna xo
P.S Please place your Singapore, Cape Town, Moscow and Birmingham Orders Early in order to receive shipment for Christmas! *wink*
P.P.S I found a couple of photos from my last day at training college in Service below on my camera!

 Take a close look, this isn't real. It's a wall in the simulator! It was convincing for even us! Also, this was after a three hour service final exam so please forgive the bits of extra shine on my pretty face!

Proper Photo - Batch 2052 Last Day Together

Get Your Goofy On - Batch 2052 Last Day Together