Friday 31 August 2012

First Layover - Singapore

We arrived late into the night after another, what's that? Delay? Yes.
Thankful that my luggage arrived safe and sound, albeit a little beat up, come on I'm crew now people, take care of my case! I'm not some worthless passenger anymore!
I ended up having a jerk of an SFS (Senior Flight Steward) on board who was the type of guy I've dealt with my whole life. The one who says feel free to ask any questions and then when you do he snaps at you and emotional abuses you. It's really fantastic. Then he put me in charge of the entire galley, this is my six flight here people, and third operational, I am not ready to have the entire galley under my command. I'm lucky if I find the sugar in the compartments at times and now I have to organize and cook everyones special meals! Gluten free, No beef, Child meal, Low Fat, Low Cal, Seafood, Vegetarian, Strict Vegetarian, Asian Vegetarian...the list goes on! Here's some biscuits and shut up! Haha! Anyways, I did okay, the girls helped me out and covered for me most of the time but he kept tapping his foot at me and telling me I am taking too long while sweat is pouring down my face. As soon as he left the galley the girls all came to help and said what a jerk he is for treating you this way and this shouldn't be happening, ask us if you need anything just ignore him. So I did. I ignored him to the highest degree. What an idiot.
Never mind coming home for a visit, I am moving back soon. I really thought there were going to be different kinds of people here, sure they are different but they are still jerks all the same, in Canada or in Dubai it doesn't seem to matter much.
Okay how about some pictures now, just so you know I did in fact enjoy myself and let the problems slide off my back!

 After we arrived at the Carlton Hotel Singapore a couple of girls and myself ventured out into the city at around 11PM to a place called the Night Garden, all of the plants and paths are lit up, it was really cool! You could see it from ages away because of all the pretty lights! 
That boat shaped building with three pillars holding it up is a hotel, I don't remember the name but it's really famous and the boat shaped top part is a giant pool area!

 All of the green is vegetation growing up and around this huge tree fashioned structure. It's branches went into the sky and were made of giant pipes. 

 The Singapore Skyline at Night with the Ferris Wheel I believe is called "The Fortune Wheel" or something like that? It has observatory decks just like the London Eye.

 Those tree structures with the vegetation are lit up in blue in this picture and we were very far away on a bridge as this point so you can tell how huge they were. There are two other giant white structures next to the blue trees and one of them is a Cloud Forest and the other is a butterfly Observatory. I wish the place had been open for us to go see them!

 Another shot from the same bridge of just the tree structures lit up! If you look close you can see a blue track circling some of the trees, it was called they Skywalk and you could go a couple hundred feet in the air and walk from tree structure to tree structure taking in all the city views! Too bad that' wasn't open either! Boo Hiss.

 Here's that fancy hotel up close. It's massive!

 Highway at night by the river. The lanes are even numbered like a race track, very peculiar! Also every sign is in english and they speak very good english, I didn't expect that! 

 Fish Spa!! I'm the one with the pink toe nail polish and the scrunched up feet because I was nervous what the fish would do! The silver polish is Alex from Poland.

 It's basically this open aquarium with benches all around the tank and you just sit down, relax (if you can) and pop your feet in! They wash and sanitize your feet before and after the pedicure! 

 They had different tanks of fish in the aquariums, these were baby ones and the water was warmer, plus these ones were nicer and didn't bite as hard. Haha! 

 I know it's crazy, but when in Rome! However please note I was in Singapore not Rome, and they get fish pedicures all the time...okay. And yes, they look at you.

 This was the first Singapore looking thing I saw, so I had to get a picture with it!

 We walked past a bunch of really pretty flowering plants on our way to the mall and when we looked closer we realized they were covered in butterflies! Take that night garden, no admission paid! It was orange, black and white, similar to a Monarch but it didn't have as big of eyes on it's wings like a Monarch does, they were a smaller circle eyes.

 Oh Marche Bistro and Bar, I will miss thee! Thank you for your insanely fresh and incredibly delis grub! I can't wait to return! This was a savoury crepe that was stuffed fill with vegetables and grilled balsamic chicken and it came with this light delightful yogurt mint dip! The water was another story! Finally free water (you pay in Dubai because they can't offer tap water so you always have to pay for bottled water) but this wasn't any old free water, they had infused their lovely tap water with cucumber, orange and mint! It was better than any drink you could order! 

Alex - ordered a duck, spring onion, tomatoe and hoison sauce pizza. We thought it would be a tiny pizza. They brought it out on one of those huge brick oven paddles! They used scissors to cut the pieces instead of a knife too! It was sooooo good!!
Half of it is in a take away box in Alex's rooms waiting for snack time onboard the flight home!

 Marche - I love you.

 I love you, I really do!

 What say you set up shop in Dubai and I will come eat there religiously and keep your business afloat?

 Took a side trip to check out Fairmont Singapore. Fairmont Macdonald is still the best.
By far.

 There was an art gallery next to the Fairmont so I popped in for a look. They had porcelain pigs decked out in Swarovski crystals in the pattern of camouflage. Classy pigs! Their sparkle was literally blinding! 

 A couple of other pieces.

 A walk down Peacock Alley took me to Godiva chocolate where I fully intended to end my evening out exploring on my own with a chocolate or two however their selection was rubbish so I walked away. Such a shame.

 Two Pink Birds - Outside the Carlton Hotel Singapore

 Blown Glass from Italy, they had lily pads, dragonflies and butterflies! 

 The blown glass centrepiece on the ceiling of the Carlton Hotel.


That's all for now! I better go hop in the shower, jump into my uniform and get ready for another duty on the way home. Here I come red eye.

Leanna xo
P.S I am a celebrity. I am on random peoples cameras with my uniform on. Loads of people wanted pictures with me on my way to Singapore and in Singapore. 

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