Tuesday 4 September 2012

Evita - Let's be friends!

I just dodged two very large bullets.
I must become better friends with Evita - the telephone lady who keeps my roster in check and lets me know of any duty changes, well, like today for instance!
I was under the impression that I was flying to CCJ (India) with the flight departing at 14:45 and I would arrive back in DXB (Dubai) after midnight or one if the flight was delayed by any delay fish (me).
I headed downstairs to catch my 11:10am bus to HQ to check in for my flight and briefing. I had a few moments to spare so I used the company computer in the apartment lobby and was shocked to see that my flight for today was changed on my roster! (Which hardly ever happens because there isn't enough time for crew scheduling to make those changes so that is why we are supposed to call Evita) Suddenly I am rostered for a flight leaving at 14:00 for AMM (Jordan) and arriving back into DXB by 21:40
Thank goodness I am such a stickler for getting to HQ three hours before I am actually supposed to be there! My earliness came in handy today since I was now being shorted 45 mins between the two flights! I was still flying a B-777 which was nice because that's again what I had been studying to be tested on.
I had a really great crew this flight. It was a quick one so organization was very key to a smooth flight.
I was given R2 door (Right hand side or starboard side, second door from the cockpit) The Boeing we were flying was a 200 series which means it has two classes - Business and Economy. I hadn't seen this configuration or door assignment before, and surprise it was a galley operational door. I suppose my hectic practice on the Singapore flight prepared me to take command much stronger this time around. I had meals and trolleys whizzing around like clock work. I finally got a break when we were sitting on the bus home and I was able to recognize what I had just done today. A whole galley, me!
A passenger even filled out a comment card about me to say that she was so happy I was the one who greeted her at the door and that my service style was impeccable! The Purser read it on the bus on the way back to HQ from the aircraft. Sigh, that was a real treat!

Melandi is such a darling, the other day she got me a little box of chocolates from our favourite tea place "Shakespeare and Co." and then today on her day off she went and got us the NEW IKEA CATALOGUE! Oh no, more shopping! hehe :)

Tomorrow I have the follow up appointment for my TB vaccine. On Monday I went to the hospital to get the tester for it. It's gross and weird. They inject a half dead virus of TB right into your vein and see how it goes the next three days then if you had no reaction on the third day you get the vaccine. Things have been splendid the last three days I am happy to report so 12:30 tomorrow is icky vaccine day again. Please let this be the last needle!! I am heading into HQ in the morning to do something..I don't remember what..but something..I will check my list and get back to you. Then the vaccine, stopping at Emirates Holidays next door to the hospital to check out tickets to London for December and then I gotta race home to pack my bags for Cape Town South Africa for September 6th! I can't wait! Africa!
FYI - Tomorrow is your last chance for Africa orders people! Make em good!
I don't have a whole bunch of time to shop however, I've got an epic adventure planned, tell you more later.
Well that's about all for now folks!
See you in Africa!

Leanna xo
P.S I've almost been living in Dubai for three months! Also, over 1000 people have viewed my blog! 

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