Saturday 22 September 2012

Summer Masquerade Ball!

It has been awhile since I last had some news to share!
Lets backtrack a little bit, when I left you I still had blocked ears and was hoping for the best for my next Moscow layover.
I was defined unfit to fly to Moscow by the doctor so I had to call in sick, and call in sick I did, for the next four days. It took forever for my ears to balance back out to normal again.
I had a flight two nights ago for the first time since my first Moscow layover to Karachi Pakistan. It was an afternoon/evening flight that would have me home by one and in bed before two hopefully!
Everything went as planned, my ears popped and balanced out on climb and again on decent so I was happy as a clam! Back to work for this girl! Finally! And cold free may I add!
In between that time I still was able to go out and have a little fun, I met up with Shane for dinner a few evenings ago at the Cheesecake Factory, sigh cheesecake! He hadn't seen the Dubai Fountains yet so afterwards we stepped out into the hot humid heat to check out the sights and sounds of them. They didn't disappoint, they were incredibly lovely that we ended up staying to see them play through twice!
Such a wonderful night!
Next day headed into HQ to get some errands done, laundry drop off and mailbox check, then had my fingers crossed to get a coveted ticket to the Summer Masquerade Ball that our FACE Card committee is planning. It's dinner and entertainment at the Ritz Carlton Hotel for freeeee!
As luck would have it (for once on my side!) I got the last ticket, literally. So happy! Now I just need a dress and a mask!
Since I was still labeled unfit to fly I had some extra time to do a little hunting for a ball gown.
I ended up finding two dresses that I fell in love with, a pink one and a red one. The pink one was perfect but the length was much to long as it pooled at my feet even in stilettos so off to the tailor I went to find out how big a bill I was in for. It was too big of a bill to fit so I ended up returning the pink dress and opting for the red one then met Shane for a cheesecake late lunch (It's becoming a bad habit with us!) then we went back to his apartment to spend the rest of the evening watching all the hilarious youtube videos we could come up with and ordering pizza. Sweet!
Also found my mask that afternoon as well, so Ball here I come!

Melandi was coming home at 7AM in the morning from a flight and I was coming home at 1AM so we planned to sleep in late and then get up and get ready for the ball yesterday. It worked out perfectly! We had a late breakfast/lunch together and decided how we wanted to do our hair and makeup.
Got ready in record time, both looked stunning and headed out the door to pick up Emma Penny to come with us. Arrived at the ball early for ticket registration and mingled around with our glasses of fancy Moet & Chandon champagne while meeting up with Shelley and some other girlfriends. There was singing and dancing to entertain us until we could enter into the dining room. The Ritz Carlton Hotel was decorated to the nines for our event, there were photographers and stages set up, it was so beautiful!
The entertainment was lovely! They performed Beyonce's Single Ladies before presenting the clear goldfish bowl full of tickets of girls hoping to be the one to win the diamond ring they were giving away! Along with trips to London England and more! It was so much fun!
Especially when we were finally able to hit the stage ourselves and get the dance party started! It was all fun and games until about midnight when everyone had evidently had too much to drink around us and it was time to go home before I couldn't put up with another drink being spilled on my dress or someone stepping on my shoes one more time!
Got home around one and slept today until 2pm, feel like I have finally caught up on all the missed sleep the last month! The rest of today was spent on the couch across from Melandi, gossiping, chatting and laughing over subway dinner and our latest photos! I love days like this with her. She can make any bad day a really good one, I'm happy to have her around! :)
I am going to meet Iryna tomorrow morning at HQ to get my Moscow layover pictures off her camera and onto my laptop so I can finally show you the masterpieces! For now I have photos from me and Melandi's pizza dinner date night last week as well as some fountain photos and lastly the photos from last nights ball!
I love them, I know you will too!

 Me and my goofy sidekick Melandi

 On our way to pick up Emma Penny

 Emma and Shelley

 The Fab Four together again!

 The stage is on the left of the photo and it had a staircase going down each side, it was very royal!

 Giant centrepieces with real flowers surrounding it!

 The Burj Kalifa at night! 

Neither Melandi nor I won a trip to London or the diamond ring so we decided we weren't leaving the party with nothing so we took the flowers from the centrepieces! Hey..everyone else was doing it! They have a happy home on our dining room table now looking lovely!

Funniest part of today was when we were lounging on the couches in the living room and it was the first time in a long time we were doing the same thing at the same time so I said to Melandi "I wish we had a picture of us laying on the couches relaxing for once, like a photographer that could follow us around and take really nice pictures of us all the time." She looked at me like I was taking crazy pills and said "Leanna that is a horrible idea, there will just be thousands of photos of us sitting around eating chocolate!" Then we proceeded to laugh our pants off until we were both crying with laughter at how true that would be! Then not five minuets later Melandi looked at me and said "Lets get Subway, I'm hungry!"

Leanna xo
P.S Payday and Roster Day in T-Minus 4 days! 

1 comment:

  1. You all looked extravegant and your ballgowns were stunning. Leanna you looked like a movie star you are so beautiful I loved your gown and your mask was a great choice. Looked like you were having a ball.

    Sure enjoy reading your stories on your blog it is so interesting to here about your adventures. Think about you here everyday, keep safe.

    Luv you Auntie Donna..
