Sunday 9 September 2012

Cape Town - South Africa

Cape Town is bar none the prettiest place on earth. Every time you turn around is another beautiful view and as you are looking down at the most gorgeous blues of the ocean you think there can't possibly be anything more beautiful than this right here and then you turn around and Ta Da something even MORE incredible! The food is to die for, its all fresh caught straight from the sea, grilled and sashed over to your table to enjoy!
The plan was originally to go cage diving with great white sharks just off the coast however time wasn't permitting as I had to leave for my flight home at 3PM and the tour company wasn't able to get me back until 5pm. Total bummer. Reason 1 why I must return to Cape Town. Reason 2 because they have lush spas and time wasn't permitting for that experience either. So sad.
Made the most of it and had dinner the evening we arrived into the city at Victoria Market WaterFront at this delish place called "Ocean Basket" it really was a basket of food from the ocean! Yummy!
The next day I took in the sights of Table Mountain with the FO (First Officer in Command to the Captain) Shane Bradley from the USA. We had the best time, brunching at the cafe on top of Table Mountain, the Cable Car with the rotating floor and the views views views! Then we headed back to the waterfront for a little shopping before ending the day in a very short hour nap before we had to hop the bus for our flight back home! Pretty sure I ate half my weight in cookies in Cape Town! A glitter shark cookie, Shane had an alligator, then we had a chocolate chip giant cookie and then a stack of peanut butter cookies! Yum!
Arrived into Dubai at 6:30AM after a very long 10 hour flight with passengers that had the most unquenchable thirst I have ever witnessed. I was worried we were going to physically run out of water and other drinks! Each person wanted at least four drinks at a time! I had R3 Door coming home and surprise command of the galley on the way to Cape Town which I received rave reviews on from my crew members all except the SFS again. Oh well, what matters is that I know I did a good job so boo hiss on them!

Here are the photos from Cape Town! Enjoy!

 This was Ocean Basket Restaurant! 

 Cable Car to Table Mountain - If you look straight up to the top of the picture and you see that little black hole of a cave, that is were the cable car took us to.

The closest I got to a shark on this trip, sigh, it had edible glitter on it! Still not as awesome as the real thing, but soon enough! 

In other news, yesterday it was Melandi and Leanna Date Night! We were planning to go shopping at Dubai Mall and meet up with Emma Penny for coffee and sweets and then head out for dinner to this fabulous Russian Restaurant at the Ascot Hotel here in Dubai. Ended up just having pizza at Stone Fire Pizza Kitchen and going to bed early since the Russian place was only offering a buffet meal for 265DHS which was a bummer because we wanted their normal a la carte menu so we could order all the best gems off of it! We will try for it another night! 

Strawberry Milkshake and three mini macaroons! Chocolate, Strawberry and Coconut! 

Pizza Dinner! And...a little goofing around with some hilarious glasses we found! 

Today is Waitrose grocery shopping day, house cleaning, gym and then going to see the new Batman tonight at Mall of Emirates! Can't wait!! :)

Leanna xo
P.S Keep your eyes peeled on the mailboxes..perhaps some treats are heading your way..

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