Tuesday 11 September 2012

Send Love

The day has come, and no, hell didn't freeze over. It actually took less time than I was originally quoted which I completely adore!
Mailbox Time!

Leanna Marie Achen
Service Delivery, Emirates Airline
PO Box 36050
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

I live in Dubai. It's real because I have a real address now. Still doesn't feel like I live thousands of miles away from home..

Birthday Cards, Flower Cards, Love Notes, Puppy Note Paper, The Grinch whatever you can come up with! Send me your love! 
And while your at it send me Cold FX, I can't seem to shake this cold an inch! Every time I get a little hopeful it drags me back in! 

I need to pack for Moscow now and go to bed! However I found a couple more photos to post from Cape Town that Shane took and emailed me! 

 It was a chicken made out of red trash bags. Suitably we named him "Trash Bag Chicken". I loved him because he looks like my Vlad! 

 This was some creepy but cute wombat looking creature on top of Table Mountain that we fed cookies too until we got in trouble for it. Trust us, the cookies aren't that great for him but they are better than the cigarette butts he was chewing on before we showed up.

 He has these weird nubbly toes. When I returned home to show the photos to Melandi she informed me that we are nuts for even going near this thing and that is very dangerous. Oops..

Anyways.. looking forward to my mailbox being stuffed full soon! 

Leanna xo
P.S We liked to joke while in Cape Town how we compared things and cost. Their currency is one of the big five animals in Africa; one on each bill so when we were told a price at the shop "That will be 25 Rand!" We would reply "Is that one elephant and a couple of spring buck?" We talked in animals instead of amounts. It's funner when I do it in person! My allowance was four water buffalo in case you were wondering! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lou Looks beautiful there , i will keep an eye on our mail box and you do the same.Enjoy Moscow. Love Dad
