Wednesday 26 September 2012

Roster/Pay Day!

I waited patiently, sleeping in as long as I could after getting home around 2AM to check my roster today at 1PM. Upon opening my eyes to the alarm clock my phone buzzed with the retrieval of a text message, the best message I've received so far!
"Good News! You Salary has been deposited today!" (Seriously that is what it says!)
Woo!! Thanks Bank!
In other news, now that I can afford food again, my roster was released for October.

Y'all ready for this?
October 2nd - Duty Rest (Coming back the day pervious from Birmingham, England)
October 3rd - MNL Manila, Philippines Layover 19 Hours
October 4th - Return from MNL
October 5th - Duty Rest
October 6th - Off
October 7th - Off
October 8th - CAI Cairo, Egypt Turnaround
October 9th - Duty Rest
October 10th - CPT Cape Town, South Africa Layover 24 Hours (OMG!)
October 11th - Return from CPT
October 12th - Duty Rest
October 13th - Off
October 14th - HKG Hong Kong Layover 73 Hours (WHOA!)
October 15th - Away
October 16th - Away
October 17th - Away
October 18th - Return from HKG
October 19th - Off
October 20th - Off
October 21st - VIE Vienna, Austria Layover 24 Hours
October 22nd - Return from VIE
October 23rd - Duty Rest
October 24th - IKA Tehran, Iran Turnaround
October 25th - Duty Rest
October 26th - Off
October 27th - Off
October 28th - HYD Hyderabad, India Turnaround
October 29th - Duty Rest
October 30th - Off
October 31st - RUH Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Turnaround

8 Days Off
4 Layovers
4 Turnarounds

Not bad, there wasn't a Seattle or any Russia ones, but 73 Hours in Hong Kong I can do a little damage!
Things are looking up! :)
Wish I had more to say but I am still a little sleepy, so I hope this all makes sense!
Another hilarious quote from me and my goofy sidekick Melly "Let's win that Diamond Ring from the Summer Ball and hawk it to buy groceries at Waitrose." We live a gangster lifestyle apparently.

Leanna xo
P.S Spent a day at The Westin with Shane laying in the lap of luxury in fancy lounge chairs, looking out at the Persian Gulf and swimming in the lazy pool. Felt like a vacation day and I can't way to go again! They even have these weird furry crows that hang around and were so entertaining! They were sugar packet crazed. They were going into this ladies purse and taking out her wallet, drinking coffee, knocking over glasses of water, ripping open sugar and ketchup packets and spreading them all over, they were stealing cloth napkins and pizza box tops! I'm sure the staff hate them to death and shoot at them after all the guests leave and it's dark out but we thought they were the most hilarious little beasts until one of them pooped on my shirt laying in the grass. Jerk. Even after we fed him our leftover pizza crusts!! Never again, we are done.

1 comment:

  1. hey your going back to cape town and a 3 day lay over in hong kong wow. have a good power snooze. talk to you soon. love you bye lou
