Friday 5 October 2012


Hi Gang!
It's been a very busy week and a bit!
Last I left you with was my new October roster and I've already crossed off the first layover from the list.
My last layover and flight in September was to Birmingham England, something I was looking very forward to! I had a lovely crew and polite passengers, it was a short seven hour flight there and back. Left early in the morning and got into the city for hotel check in at around 4PM leaving me only a short amount of time to get some shopping done before the shops closed at 7PM.
Postcards - Check
Stamps - Check
4 Pound all you can eat Full English Breakfast - Check
Shopping - Check!!
First time of many I am sure that I will have to sit on my case on the floor in order to shut and lock it since it was stuffed with so many shopping bags! I couldn't help myself!
I bought a couple of beauty products specially from England as well as the Clarisonic Facial Brush (So in Love!) Pyjamas for me and Mum, Christmas gifts and decorations, Snacky food and some knick knacks for the house.

Primark, Selfridges and Poundland!

 Dinner Time! Salmon Fish Cakes, Salad and Mashed Potatoes along with chips and guacamole! 
Feed My Soul!
P.S 10 Points if you can tell me what movie is playing on the Mac.

 One of the malls in Birmingham is called The Bull Ring and so they have a giant bronze bull. The other mall is called The Mailbox, I didn't go see it.

The hotel was cute but old..the mattress was one of those terrible bouncy spring mattresses (do people still sleep on those?) honestly, I sat down on it and it never stopped wiggling until I left the next morning. Perhaps it was dreaming of being a water bed in it's later life? Either way, it was a bad sleep accompanied by two stupid goose down pillows that when you lay your head on them they shrink up into nothing and disappear so your neck is left in a horrid crooked position.
I love the people, the shops, the shopping and the food, but Birmingham please get better beds and pillows!
I will look gorgeous in all my shopped up items however I will be hunched over because of your horrible beds. Do something about that yeah?
Came home for a day to rest and then it was time to send my people off sadly.
Melandi is going home on leave for a week to South Africa and Shane is heading home for two weeks back to the USA so I am all lonesome for awhile because unfortunately as soon as Melly is back our schedules don't sync up for another 14 days. Literally sleeping and working at opposite times and then I've got that four day layover in Hong Kong so we won't see each other for a total of 24 days almost all of October. Ditto for Shane.
Looks like I will be getting alot of things done around the house! Gym, Tan and Laundry anyone?
After sending the people home I had a long eight hour flight to Manila Philippines two days ago now. Again was lucky to have an awesome crew and sweet passengers.
Side note - I am getting very confident in my safe talk briefings by the way, I never thought the day would come. Don't get me wrong I still study like a mad women before but I just feel like any question they toss me I've got it in the bag. I fully understand a lot of things through reading on my own now with all this time that I know how things truly operate and function which is a very good thing! I'm sure the odd thing may stump me but I can always talk my way around or out of it!
Arrived into Manila at 11PM and it was a quick drive to the hotel, as hard as I try to stay awake and keep my eyes open to check out the scenery I find myself being jerked awake when the bus pulls up to the hotel doors every time! Oops!
Felt like living a little luxury and had an in room back massage (Thanks again Birmingham haha!) and then a little bowl of mashed potatoes and then jumping into bed. Wasn't fond of the hotel much, it kind of creeped me out to be honest and I really wished I had brought my laptop. I don't know what it is about it but it makes me feel safe and connected or something? It wouldn't have mattered much anyways, the internet was down the whole time because as we arrived into the country a giant cyclone arrived with us. I've never seen so much rain or wind. Thank goodness I was on one of the lower levels of the hotel as I am pretty sure you could feel the building swinging back and forth in the craziness.
I survived a tropical cyclone!
Slept in the next morning until 11AM before getting up and going out for lunch with two members of the crew then doing a little shopping.
Postcards/Stamps - Check!
Shopping - Check
Weird Souvenirs - You Bet! I got a bright pink shrimp fridge magnet that says Philippines on it. (Melly and I are collecting one from each place we go and decorating our new beautiful fridge) Then I spotted the mother load of tacky items! A glass bottle with little stick people inside washing clothes next to a grass hut! KILLER! It now sits proudly on our tv-less stand! Just wait Melly you are going to love it!
Then a long eight hour fifteen minuet flight home again, so happy to be home in my own bed in my own house! It's funny how quickly you get attached to things here.

 Enough said. It's delicious!

 Coconut Drink!

Genius creation by the Philippine people! :)

Did a little house keeping after getting up this morning.
Toss the trash, mop the floors, dust and make dinner. Gym tonight for a bit and I need some supplies from the local Carrefore Market as well.

I've got two more days off now before I fly to Cairo and then my second Cape Town layover! So excited! :)

Leanna xo

The last night me and Melly had to together we went out for dinner with Shane and Leslie at Applebee's on Sheik Zayad Road and after getting a taxi back to our place and as we were walking past the recycle bins near our building door I spotted a cardboard TV box in the pile. I stopped abrubtly and told Melandi "Hey, check this out!" We looked at one another knowing what the other was thinking and started laughing out loud, not even, it was more like we were howling with laughter. "We should put it on our tv-less stand, that would be hilarious!" Was all I could get out between laughs. We never did grab the box I am sad to say, I couldn't convince Melly to carry it up in the elevator with me, she thought we would look ridiculous..don't we usually? HAHA

1 comment:

  1. mi4 new before i read the question. love dad talk soon bye for now.:}
