Wednesday 24 October 2012


My favourite day to write about!
Payday was actually October 22nd when I woke to the sound of my hobo Middle East cell phone zinging with a message that says "Good News, your salary has been deposited today!" Yes!
Then we got a surprise this evening when our rosters were uploaded to the portal two days early!
It's a pretty wicked one too, none of the places I wanted but I can't ever complain because traveling is traveling. I won't be doing it much longer so I my as well take advantage.

November as follows:

November 1st - Rest
November 2nd - Manchester, UK for 24 Hour Layover
November 3rd - Return from Manchester
November 4th - Off
November 5th - Dar Es Salam, Tanzania for 24 Hour Layover
November 6th - Return from Dar Es Salam
November 7th - Rest
November 8th - Copenhagen, Denmark for 24 Hour Layover
November 9th - Return from Copenhagen
November 10th - Off
November 11th - Off
November 12th - Transit through Larnaca, Cypress to Malta, Malta for 24 Hour Layover
November 13th - Away
November 14th - Return from Malta
November 15th - Off
November 16th - Rest
November 17th - Giant 5 Day Trip Starting at Singapore for 24 Hour Layover
November 18th - Flying on to Brisbane, Australia for 24 Hour Layover
November 19th - Brisbane
November 20th - Flying back to Singapore for 24 Hour Layover
November 21st - Return from Singapore
November 22nd - Off
November 23rd - Off
November 24th - Off
November 25th - Off
November 26th - Prague, Czech Republic for 24 Hour Layover
November 27th - Away
November 28th - Return from Prague
November 29th - Milan, Italy for 24 Hour Layover
November 30th - Away
December 1st - Return from Milan

Talk about a whirlwind month! I will be excited to see this payday cheque!
I can bid for next month on November 3rd so I will be requesting Johannesburg, South Africa and St. Petersburg, Russia or Moscow, Russia for one last hurrah! Me and Melandi are going to try and buddy bid for them too, so hopefully we can fly together and have a layover in a destination together! :) Fingers crossed!
I also received an awesome email this afternoon that said I have a parcel that can be picked up at the Crew Mailroom anytime.
Last bit of killer news was I finally got my flight from Calgary to Toronto reimbursed from months ago now along with the hotel charges! Thank goodness! Giant weight lifted off my back!
I just need to find out who I speak to about the hotel phone charges that totalled nearly $300 Hong Kong Dollars when I had to phone SOS Medical Services in Hong Kong when I was sick and ended up dead heading back to Dubai. I will get to the bottom of it!
Melandi just left for a red eye turn around so I am home alone until tomorrow's hang out day when we are both free! Lounging on the couches and eating Subway sounds perfect!
I have a doctors appointment again tomorrow morning so here's hoping I get cleared so I can make my Airbus flight October 28th happen since between the doctors appointment and the flight there are still over three days, shouldn't be a problem! I will pop into the mailroom tomorrow while I am at HQ (hopefully that is where my appointment is and not at the Sheik Zayed Road Hospital) to pick up my mystery parcel! So excited to see what's inside! It's like Christmas!
I have lots to get done in the next month and not a lot of time off to do it, so I need to get started on making a list of must do's!
I will keep you posted on it!

Melandi's roster was pretty dreamy! She got 3 count it 3 Cape Town layovers, a Moscow layover, a Melbourne layover and a couple of turn arounds. Not too shabby! In fact, that's the roster I wanted. I asked her to trade, she said she would let me know! :)

Leanna xo
P.S 44 Days

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