Sunday 21 October 2012

Hong Kong Day Three...Catch Up!

October 17th - October 19th I woke up ready to meet the girls for breakfast at a Two Michelin Star Restaurant and then some bargain shopping at the Ladies Market. How the day actually turned out wasn't anything of the sort. I called SOS - Emirates International Medical Team to come check on my stupid cold and if my ears were okay to fly this evening back home. I placed the phone call at 7AM and the doctor didn't actually come until 11AM. I was given the red light to stay put in Hong Kong for another 24 hours to rest and feel better because my ears weren't fit to fly. There are worse places to be stuck in the world, Hong Kong is delightful! Everything is at my finger tips here! So I didn't go to the fancy restaurant nor did I meet the girls at the Ladies Market, I slept all day and all night. I called for room service or dinner, Mushroom Soup and ate it happily while my room was cleaned by the most delightful chinese man who insisted that I stay put and rest and told me I needed to drink more water and left me three bottles full. He changed all my bedding, gave me fluffy new pillows, towels and a smile upon shutting the door and leaving. The girls called that evening before leaving and asked if I was flying home with them I said no, unfortunately not. Maybe I will come home the next day or day after. So they all said goodbye and feel better soon!
I slept late the next morning before receiving a call from my doctor and making another appointment for 1:30pm that day. So I slouched around watching movies until he showed up. Honestly I ate a package of golden oreo's and a bag of goldfish and drank all the water the man left me the day before. Healthy Leanna really..
He said my ears were looking a little better and that I can fly home, all that was left was to convince the Emirates nurse that it's a good idea for me to come home instead of resting here in Hong Kong longer. She took a bit more charming but eventually said if I could ride the elevator up and down multiply times and my ears either cleared on their own or I could clear them then I can come home. Two hours later she was sending my paperwork to HQ for me to deadhead home from Hong Kong.
I didn't get my flight details until later that evening. I was flying the A380 home just after midnight in business class as a passenger. When I heard business class it felt like confetti was being thrown on my head and there was a crowd of people all with my face cheering for me like I had won the lottery. Business class - the place where I belong!
I had to wear my uniform to the airport to board and then after we landed but I could wear comfy clothes the rest of the flight. All I want to do now is fly business, even my couch at the apartment isn't anything in comparison to the seats in business. It's all I think about now. I am all consumed!
So I made it home safe and sound, my ears cleared for the most part, they were partially blocked the rest of the evening but I made it home without any injury thank goodness! I was fearful the whole flight that something terrible could happen when we began our decent! The things you think about as a flight attendant now. It took me awhile to relax as well, every time I heard the call bell I wanted to jump up, and I felt weird closing my eyes and sleeping too. But it was entirely lovely! Looking forward to my next experience!
I had a quick nap in the morning after getting home and then headed to The Westin with Shane to relax for the day. Ended up at another hotel because the stupid Westin wouldn't accept my face card on Fridays/Saturdays Boo Hiss on them. So we took our business elsewhere! Elsewhere indeed, a place that has four peacocks living on the grounds that meander around and cause me to have excitement attacks because I want to pet them so badly and they just run away. It was a fantastic day, we had pizza for lunch and made fun of the hairy guy in the pool and various other instances.
"Oh my gosh, don't look Shane, don't turn around!"
He completely disobeys me and turns around to find this big hairy guy in the pool coming towards us.
"Who let the gorilla in the pool?" LOL I was just going to say the same thing but Ape instead!
We continue to laugh our heads off about it.
"Don't put your head underwater or anything you might come up with a hair ball and have to cough it up!"
We have the same humour. I have never seen someone with that much hair, honestly, I didn't know it was possible! Ick! Then we saw the foursome who were wearing the exact same short shorts swim trunks. Who wears short shorts? Hilarious! Got hit in the head with a volleyball - children. I loathe them. I deal with too many of them at work I don't want to see a single one out on my day off relaxing. Take your monsters home.
Subway for dinner and a two hour long laugh fest with my mother. Horton Hears A Who and then time for bed!
October 20th - Next doctors visit. Made my appointment after waking up at 7AM for 3:15PM in the afternoon at the Sheik Zayed Road Hospital since it's a Saturday and the HQ clinic is closed on Fridays and Saturdays. I went back to sleep until 1PM before getting up, throwing on some clothes and heading to the hospital to get cleared to fly to Vienna tomorrow morning hopefully! Got the loveliest british lady doctor who ranted and raved about how Emirates works us new girls too hard and we all end up sicker than dogs. It was hilarious! She poked and prodded and measured and checked and ended up say No Go to Vienna Sweetie. Oh well whats new. This month has been a real bust. No Cape Town after the electrical mishap, Sick in Hong Kong and now No Vienna. Wonderful!
Came home, called Evita to report sick, wrote my Wedding Telegram for Eric and Vanyelle's Wedding today. Cried at least four times reading it to Melandi before sending it to Mama Behr. Cried some more because I can't believe I am missing it. Checked flight times to see if it was possible to just quit right this second and come home in time for the Wedding. Cried a little more when no flights came up.
Watched Finding Nemo and fell asleep a very sad girl.
October 21st - Today. Melandi let me sleep in, then we headed to HQ to get some things on our ever growing list accomplished. Had the worst time possible. Got overly frustrated, complained way too loudly, was this close to stomping up to my cabin crew managers office and feigning defeat and going home. I really am at the end of my rope. For one I have been chasing down parts of my uniform that have been tossed in the bin, misplaced, lost or whatever new reason the new dry cleaners can come up with to tell me today. The portal locked up and wouldn't let us bid for leave, I found out I have E-learnings due, aren't those a thing of the past? Apparently not! Received an email that I have to make an appointment within the next 10 days to hand in my Abinitio Booklet that I haven't opened since I started flying because I am busy working not filling out some silly journal. No mail in the mail box and feeling sick and tired.
I should be in Vienna right now. No matter, I am going to lay by the pool tomorrow.
Fell asleep on the crew bus home next to Melandi and when I woke up to my bag falling off my lap she looked at me and asked how it's possible that I can sleep anytime I close my eyes anywhere. I shrugged and went back to sleep.
"Did I tell you about the time I feel asleep on a DisneyWorld ride?" Alysha back me up here!

This has been the past few days of my life.
Here's some photos from happier times in Hong Kong when me and Brittany took the tram up to see the whole city at night.

Leanna xo
Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening and Goodnight!
Happy Wedding Day Eric and Vanyelle October 20th, 2012

 Recycle Bins

 It was a little foggy and misty out so you can't see the city as well when it's not clear, I didn't think it looked that terrible! If it's better than this can you imagine?!

 The Tram - It's very San Fran. It literally goes directly up and it's so steep I was worried that perhaps the seats should have seat belts to keep us from falling out!

Mushroom Soup!

1 comment:

  1. "Don't turn around and look!" means to me 'turn around right now and stare at the gorilla man swimming in the pool.' Besides who needs Loonies and Toonies when you can have yeti's and bigfoots on your coins?
