Wednesday 24 October 2012

Bed Rest

Well, it's been four days since my last post and I am still sick. I had another doctors appointment yesterday morning and I haven't gotten any better since Hong Kong. Today I have confined myself to the house, specifically the couch to just rest, lots of water, medicine and relaxing!
So far it's helping, I do feel a little better today!
I have another appointment tomorrow hopefully to clear me to fly finally, and I need this flight it's on an Airbus and there is a component in the journal I was telling you I have to hand in, in the next few days that needs me to operate and clear a checklist of items on both an Airbus and Boeing aircraft. So I need to be on this flight.

I've been having my fun by playing Christmas and Halloween songs for Melandi since she got home from HQ an hour ago now. Her favourite is Monster Mash, she's never heard it before and she's already learned half the words!

I've been thinking a lot the past few days since Hong Kong and I've come to a conclusion.

Leanna xo
P.S Four yellow singing canary's for sale at the Carrefore. 

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