Friday 26 October 2012

My Parents Are Better Than Your Parents!

Ah mystery parcel pick up solved!
Thanks Mum and Dad!!! :)

 So excited to open it!!

 When the guy handed it over to me in the mailroom he's like what is it? A loaf of bread?

Halloween Treats!

In other news I finally got to meet up with Kerris a girl from my interview back in January who's been here two months longer than I have and is just loving it! We had a lazy lunch at Dubai Mall at Me and Melandi's favourite haunt Shakespeare and Co. and it was just delicious! 

 Buffalo Mozzarella and Cherry Tomato Salad with Pesto Sauce in a Pistachio Basket. We both ordered the same thing and were very excited to find out what a pistachio basket is! It's mostly made out of cheese and it has little pieces of pistachio in it, it was so good! 

 All different kinds of chairs and tables to choose from! And off in the distance you can just see a little part of the Burj Kalifa. The fountains also played while we were lunching and you can see them over the railing balcony too! 

Mini Strawberry Cheesecake! 

More pictures to come from our day out next time! 
I am feeling much better as well, so next flight here I come! 

Leanna xo
P.S Pedicure today! Pretty toes! 

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