Tuesday 16 October 2012

Hong Kong Day Two

Didn't get back to the hotel from the market until 2AM
Had a quick chat with Mum and then a shower and bed by 4AM
Thank goodness we are sleeping in a little longer tomorrow morning!

Got up around 11AM and met up with Britney for lunch at Noon in the lobby. Elenora and Dominika decided to go see another island near here Macau to check it out, so it was just the two of us sightseeing about! Had the greatest day checking out the Goldfish and Flower Market as well as the Bird Garden!
A day in pictures awaits you, enjoy! :)

First stop The Flower Market

A whole shop filled on both sides with loads of orchids, there were so many flowers on the stems that they were tied back so they didn't snap in two!

I loved these ones because they looked like snowballs.

Bamboo of every shape and size!

I loved all the neat paper they were wrapped and displayed in! 

Incredible arrangements!! We saw life size ones over 7 feet tall for a wedding at one store!

Neon Spider Mums!

Weird brain looking flower..or coral..

One shop out of six streets full, and they were all overflowing with flowers the same way!

Roses! Each head was wrapped up so it's perfect when you take it off and deliver it!

 Pink Pink Pink!!

 Reminded me of a peony but it had these big petals that opened first and the inside is then displayed! 

Christmas Trees in Hong Kong at the Christmas Store!

Welcome To The Bird Garden!

We knew we were in for a big treat when the first bird we saw when we walked into the garden was a Toucan! A real life toucan, it was hands down the best moment of the day! We must have stood there for 30 mins watching and talking to him!

He kept moving around a lot so that's why it's kind of blurry! 
He had gorgeous blue eyes and his beak was huge! 

Each one has a little finch or canary in it!

Bags of crickets and grasshoppers! Bags and bags FULL! It was a little creepy..

Peach Face Love Bird

Hey Pretty Birdy!

Bamboo Bird Cages

Cockatoo - He was a real talker!

Big Macaw! 
He liked being petted and would hold your finger in his peak to say thank you.

Model Shots!!

 Entrance and Exit to the Bird Gardens

All kinds of bamboo bird cages! 

Fish Market!!

This is how most of the fish were being displayed outside the shop on a board in bags, all kinds! 

Such pretty colourful fish!

Even a little crab in a bag for sale!

Bubble Head Goldfish!

Tons of Albino Frogs, white with red eyes..ewwww!
They are all alive and moving around like crazy!

Baby Turtles!

So many different kinds of turtles! 
Every shape, size, and colour!



A lazy cat at the fish market!

Make that TWO lazy cats at the fish market, see the charcoal grey one in the box behind the white one? They were sleeping on top of bags of sea shells - can't possibly be that comfortable! Also whats up with the tooth face cloth?

"My Bubbles, My Bubbles!"

 Lots of Nemo's!!!

Hong Kong will you never cease to amaze me? Borscht flavoured potato chips? Just made my day!

Killer view from my window of Victoria Park!

Tennis Courts and the Mountains!

Green Space of the Park, in the morning you can see groups out there doing Tai Chee. 
Ocean View!

Day Two Complete! It was a lot of fun! Later on we went to Victoria Peak by Tram to check out the view of the whole city at night, will post those on my Day Three blog post! 

Leanna xo
P.S I am so full of rice! 

1 comment:

  1. wow once again great pic,s and commentary.you did have a fabulous view from your window. and borsch chip what will they think of next.the flower shops amazing and the birds wow , but those frogs cloned ? thanks lou for another great blog. love mom and dad.
