Tuesday 7 August 2012


To start off, it's been a difficult past few days.
Last week where I left off, the next day was Nujoum Day and I am sad to say it wasn't at all what I had built it up to be in my head, it was quite disappointing. And that is where we shall leave that.
The next day was my first day of Service Training, the last program in my training leaving me a week and two days before I graduate. It was a long hard day. I wished it was already the weekend so we could rest instead of being pilled high with E-Learnings and the impossible task of getting through an entire workbook AND homework. I spent five hours on Friday at HQ to finish up 10 E-Learning Modules and then studying and did homework the rest of the day as well as all day and night Saturday. I didn't really have a weekend.
Sunday always comes too soon. Cue my first full week of Service Training.
It's been pretty awesome the farther I get into the course, it was a hard transition period at the beginning but I made it through. We had our first exam on Service yesterday morning and I studied hard all night until the wee hours to achieve another 100% well earned I took last night off to relax finally!
Tonight is a jumble mess of a quick trip to the grocery store for some lunch items and water (always running out of water here, you'd think I was in the desert or something?) then I have a lot of lessons to go over before tomorrow's first mock up exercise where we do a full service bit, starting from pre flight checks of equipment and the galley then we do an afternoon tea, bar beverage and clean up service on a  flight to LHR. It's going to be incredible! I am so excited!
I have gotten a ton of feedback from my trainers and it's nothing but lovely things so I am very confident that I can bang this one out of the park too (my fingers are crossed for another advanced status in Service but I know that's asking for pretty well the impossible since I am so new to this topic) but I will do my best!
I have a couple of photos to share since the posts have been a little sparse since last week. Surely you understand. I could use a little encouragement people! :)

 This is from Nujoum Day outside the training college where I go each day, the building behind me is Building A and yes it's designed to look like an aircraft, with wings and everything and it's an office building.

 Just goofing around with a miniature of the airport.

 I did a little redecorating on Friday when I got home from HQ since I was tired of learning and wanted to do something fun! I bought the pillows and a new duvet cover. 

 New Living Room set up! Previously it was located in the bat cave where the TV set up is now.

 Bat Cave. TV is coming this weekend! Then sleepovers and movie nights with the girls!

The walls are so dull, I can't wait to get some photography or art portraits to cheer them up a touch!

Leanna xo
P.S There's a new bulletin on the cork board in my apartment building from someone selling a claw foot bathtub. Looks like a winner.

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