Tuesday 31 July 2012

Image and Uniform Day

Passed Security Training with only one question wrong on the final exam yesterday!
So today we moved onto wearing our uniforms to training college for the first time! First though we had an early morning at HQ to get our E-Gate Cards and finger prints done at 7AM. I also had a list of paperwork to collect from HR for internet services to be installed in my apartment and some paperwork for the bank. Completely forgot to head to the Canadian Embassy to get them working on my US Visa so I am able to start being rostered for US flights (there is a different protocol for Canadian's so not to worry! We have a pretty easy go at it!) I will have to get that done next week at some point on my days off before my roster starts.
The day went pretty smoothly for me. I was worried they would pick apart my hair and make-up in my image assessment but I got a simple "You look lovely!" and they suggested a brighter red lipstick as they said mine was a little on the dark side. Everyone else had complaints about the fit of their uniforms so I was happy that mine fit really well from the get go (I know I complained about it when I first put it on, but it's grown on me..literally.)
We were at training college until 9:30PM this evening, I just got home an hour ago. I am completely exhausted and my feet are so sore from the new red shoes. I really wish the weekend was tomorrow already but it's Nujoum Day which is just as good since we are doing fun activities and are being fed like kings and queens and we get to dress casual tomorrow, which means jeans and sneakers! So bring it on!
I can't wait to find out what the surprise is all about tomorrow!

This is the Image and Uniform Room at Training College with all three walls covered with light up mirrors! It was quite the sight! 

 Ta Da!

Told you the jacket makes me look like a football player. Doesn't help that I raised my arms on my hips and the jacket front puffed out. Promise not to do that ever again. This is just inside the lobby of the training college by the way.
Leanna xo
P.S I really wish I had bought that monkey. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice that you shared your experience through this blog post. This post will be handy for me.
