Monday 2 July 2012

Abinitio Group 2052

First day at Training College!
First we got welcomed to Training and then we got to meet Catherine Baird and she gave a speech basically guilt tripping peoples interviews. She is by far the scariest woman currently living. I couldn't believe the things she was saying. Pretty much "I wonder" sums up her entire speech. I hope I never come across her again. She's spooky. She makes me feel guilty about everything! It's like when you look in your review mirror while driving and a cops driving behind you and you start to sweat for no reason. She's the cop behind me.
We got split into two groups since there are four groups, so two each now.
My group got to go first for our uniform fittings.
The Italian tailors downstairs have fitted every single cabin crew member. Their careers with Emirates span over 25 years. It was so cool to meet them!
They gave me a size 10 skirt and size 10 shirt. They say it's easier to take in then let out fabric.
When I came out of the dressing room drowning in cloth they handed me both in a size 8.
He spun me around and his tape measure was flying around me, it's the closest I will get to feeling like something was made especially for me.
As quickly as it began it was over and I was back in the waiting room now trying on the red pumps and cabin flats while the iconic red hat was placed on my head.
Size 7.5 shoes, and size small hat.
When we had registered all our sizes for things we were handed over our black carry on bag that wasn't supposed to leave our sides from this day forth. Instead of a purse this now goes with us. Day in and day out during our training days! It's a fancy Delsey Helium case.
The fun was over and we had to move out of the way for the next group and start working on our E-Learning modulars.
The rest of the day was spent at the computers learning Basic Aeronautics. Sweet stuff!
Tomorrow we head back to HQ for our Emirates Clinic Checks of all the documents we put into the envelope on our first day (when I was missing a bunch of information) and our ID photos.
Goodnight sleep tight!
Leanna xo

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