Sunday 1 July 2012

Scare Tactics

Back to the daily grind of a full week.
Last week was a piece of cake, just two days, now I have five to contend with.
I'm really getting the hang of the buses now! There shouldn't be any further incidents regarding them!
Today we had a lot of scare tactic presentations.
One from HR and one from EAP. I don't remember what it stands for anymore but it was something to the effect of counsellors if we needed to talk to someone off the record.
Now not only am I scared to cook and do laundry or turn the lights on (thanks to the fire marshal) I am now totally terrified of getting into a taxi or leaving my building.
Thanks for that!
I was so proud yesterday for hailing my first taxi all by myself and getting to the mall and back home. Now I can't imagine what I was thinking! I was taking my life into my own hands! By the way on my first trip out into the city alone I found an awesome blow dryer (the one I brought from home when plugged into the adapter went a little crazy and started to smell like burning plastic, it needs to go home as it's clearly very uncomfortable here)
So it's a good thing I understand the Emirates bus network, as I will be using it a lot more often.
They say these unlikely things only happen when people are drunk out of their minds, and that shouldn't ever be a problem for me, but now I just don't want to trust anyone at all.
I thought it was crazy to think of buying a vehicle when I first arrived and now suddenly it seems like a perfectly lovely option! I will keep you posted.
Now when I get into a taxi I make fake calls and tell the person who isn't on the phone where I am going and I will be right there to meet up with them and then I loudly give them the taxi number I am in. I find it hilarious when they jerk their heads up to look at me in the mirror, but I don't care.

Anyways, onto something else!
At the end of the day we had to go register at the clinic for more medical tests on wednesday. (Yes MORE) So of course, I had a hunch that something would go wrong, sure enough. My paperwork was missing from the pile with everyone else's. Awesome!
My induction officer was running around with her head cut off to find it. You'll never guess in a million years where she found it.
Upstairs, shredding pile, with resigned written all over it.
Don't ask me what that was all about, it still boggles my mind. Then I proceeded to get asked by everyone around me if I had resigned.
More eye rolling. These people clearly need me.
Can't wait for more surprises tomorrow!
Stay tuned!
Leanna xo

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