Thursday 12 July 2012

End of First Week of SEP (Safety and Emergency Procedures)

First off! A little house keeping: I was being informed by the gang that everyone isn't able to comment because there isn't an anonymous option to leave a comment, please note that I have fixed this issue and you are now able to select to leave a comment as anonymous rather than before you had to have some kind of URL address to leave a comment. Just state your name at the end of your message so I know who's talking!

This post is another two in one! I was crazy busy last evening so I wasn't able to update you on what I did yesterday! Our day's lesson was on Decompression in the Cabin of the Aircraft. Basically it's when there is a leak in the window, door or fuselage (aircraft exterior) that is allowing outside pressure inside the cabin causing the pressure to change slowly, however a passenger would feel the change and complain about feeling cold, a hissing noise, or their sinuses being blocked up suddenly. The Captain would then make a decision to divert the flight to land asap if the leak was increasing and becoming worse, otherwise we would just deal with it and move passengers away from the area and continue the flight. A rapid decompression is one where a window or door blows out, and if you aren't buckled in you will be literally sucked from the aircraft. Spooky stuff. The Captain would make a rapid decent to a much lower altitude that humans are able to breath within and we would have to divert the flight and make an emergency landing. We had to learn how to use oxygen bottles on ourselves and others, what to do if the oxygen masks don't drop from the passenger service unit (all the controls above your head) and what to do in the emergency situation that a window or door does pop off the aircraft and go flying god knows where and there is now a giant hole in the aircraft! I received another Excellent on my homework and procedure activity! Last night I had two assignments to complete while on top of that preparing for my first Door Assessment in the morning! I was up until 11:30pm and woke up to get ready and do a little extra studying at 5:00am. So it was a busy evening! More studying to come I am sure! It's not near over yet! 

Today: We learned about Anticipated Emergencies! Land and Water (ditching) in which we actually left the aircraft into the pool beside it and had to perform some water survival procedures and prepare the raft and canopy for the passengers all in full clothing and with a giant life vest on! It was crazy heavy! Again I received an Excellent! I am starting to think that maybe a lot of you were right to think that perhaps I was meant to do this job! This mornings door assessment couldn't have gone any better! I am usually panicky when it comes to exams or performing an assessment but I was relaxed and totally prepared! I knew everything word perfect and by heart! 
I am so excited that the weekend has arrived! It has been a long long week! No plans yet for the weekend, but probably going to stock up on some items The Grinch stole from IKEA either tomorrow or Saturday and then the rest of the weekend will be spent at my desk studying like a mad woman for my first big written exam all on SEP and everything has to be word perfect again straight from the manual, there is no creativeness here! That's on Sunday morning then we start learning more about the configuration of the cabins for both Airbus 330 and Boeing 777, the seat numbers and where all the safety equipment is located. It's loads of mismatched information that also has to be memorized perfectly! I am totally up for the challenge! So far everything has come to me fairly easily with very little confusion or difficulty, my fingers are crossed tightly that it will hopefully continue as such! 

Lindsey: This ones for you girl! I haven't heard much about the beds for cabin crew on the aircraft but I did hear a mention that they do in fact exist! As soon as I have more information regarding them I will report back to you! I knew you were dying to know all the insider information! :) Also thanks heaps for helping my mum out with those X-rays! I really appreciated it! 

Thats all for now! More tomorrow perhaps if I get out of the house and do something other than study?
Leanna xo

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