Friday 27 July 2012

GMT Update!

This week has been non stop!
So much medical information I had no clue about and was learning for the first time, more memorization of where it is all located and it's local drug name and international drug name. Yikes. Times 3.
Since 2010 there have been 24 deaths onboard Emirates flights and 19 births. Pretty much evens out!
Is it weird that I really want to have an emergency child birth on board? How incredible would that be though? Now that's something to write home about!
I know how to handle pretty well any medical emergency that can happen on board! It's a pretty powerful feeling!
This morning was the GMT final exam and I am happy to announce it was also the day of my first 100% on an exam! I was the only one in my class! I am still surprised! I was sure that I had a couple wrong when I left the room, however when I entered, I entered to applause and pats on the back well done!
Feedback was my second favourite part of the day, I received the incredibly rare status of Advanced in the Medical Field. My trainer said in the past five years she has never given it to anyone before and this was her first time. I haven't felt that proud of myself in a long time!
Then came salary collection, bank selection (Emirates NBD) and paperwork signing, uniform pick up, passport and visa return and our brand new ID cards! Oh and our big black suitcases for layovers.
The entire day was filled with so much excitement! Especially after the exam was done and over with we could all relax a little!
Also received my first roster! First Kuwait, then Jeddah and a long haul flight to Sri Lanka Colombo and a layover in Singapore! As well as the SUP flights that we do as practice and I don't know the destination until the night previous!
This week Ramadan started and it's a big difference in how things work. Loads of restaurants aren't open until after dark and you can't eat or drink anything in public or in the college unless you are in the cafeteria. I have been very well behaved and I am getting used to the rules of the month however I can't wait for it to be over! It's a rather large hassle. Good thing I only fly for the last week of August so I shouldn't have to deal with too many Ramadan flights to the Holy Land or whatever it's called.
I am excited to look up some interesting things to do in my 26 hour layover in Singapore, apparently it's a divine place to be so I've been told over and over again from everyone!
As soon as I got home I tried on the uniform for the first time, all the pieces and was rather taken aback. I look like a football player. I don't like it one bit. The hat is the only pretty part of the entire ensemble. How sad. Well I am stuck with it for the next three years.
I do have to get the skirt shortened a touch as it is way too long even by their standards. And the jacket needs to be taken in a bit at the sides to give it a little shape. I will make it work, not to worry. The shoes are comfortable! However all the pieces of the uniform are made of polyester. Yuk. Welcome to the 80's. week we have two days of security, imagine and uniform for one day and our star Nujoum day and then we start Service training which lasts for the last two days of the week and then another full week the week after then we are free to fly! Can you believe I am going to start the job in two weeks? I just feel like I am at school back home and not in Dubai and not about to become a full fledge flight attendant. I also signed the paperwork today for the GCAA license. Insane. General Civil Aviation Association License. Basically my license to fly.
Welcome Weekend, I deserve a day off! :)

 Shoe boxes, cardigan, belt, red pyjamas, oven gloves and in the big brown box my red hat!

 Shelley unpacking her uniform goodies! 

Leanna xo
P.S Happy Pizza Thursday!

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