Thursday 5 July 2012

Two in One

The last two days have been pretty boring. (Hate being negative, sorry!)
Lots of sitting, lots of listening and I am falling asleep.
We had corporate induction today to the company, it feels out of place like we should have had the presentation at the beginning of our induction not on the last day?
We had arabic coffee and dates (Yuk!) and watched a bunch of informative movies regarding Emirates and Dubai.
 Some of the batch mates!

 Raj our disappearing instructor serving us Arabic Coffee and Dates.

 Volha (said the way it sounds, not Volga) and Me, she's from Belarus and we both have a love of Russian food. (We have big plans to find the Russian restaurants here in Dubai, they exist we've been told and I am so stoked out of my socks for it!)

 These people are huge into falcons. Seriously. They are a status symbol and these birds get trained in India and are shipped back here to be sold to rich Dubai people. They even fly first class in their own seat (they pay the same price as a person) The most expensive falcon sold in history was 2 Billion DHS which is around 554 Million CAD. As I said, serious about falcons.

 Arabic Coffee and Dates.
I wasn't the only one who didn't like both as you can see!

Raj explaining the history of Emirates.

The buses for accommodation leave training college at 3:30 each day.
We were kept late till 4:00 so we missed the bus. It felt like our instructor just abandoned us in the cafeteria and we were left to plan our escape routes to get home.
I had heard the girls all talking about more accommodation buses leaving at 5:30 from Building C, I was currently located in Building B which is a 15 min hike across the college grounds.
So I headed on my way so I could be there early. I got lost once on my way there and ended up at the Olympic tennis courts (don't ask, this is the reason I wanted to leave so early) so I turned around and went the opposite way finally ended up, overheated and tired at Building C only to be told by the security guards that there wasn't going to be any 5:30 buses today and I could get a bus to HQ from Building B where I had just come from. So on my way I went again, my clothes felt like they were on fire. (It's funnier when I say this to Melandi because she laughs so hard like it's the funniest thing she has ever heard, we get a kick out of one another. Unfortunately she wasn't with me, so it was less funny and I was more mad that I had to do all this extra walking outside in the crazy heat alone) I got stuck back in the tennis court on my way back before finding my way out and back at Building B. I waited inside for 15 mins before the bus finally showed up. We were making some kind of progress even if this bus was just going to be taking me to another bus I was at least a little closer to home.
I didn't get home until 6PM, the latest so far! I decided today was a good day to finally treat myself to dinner out at the cute little French Cafe across the street, that and I was out of food to cook. So I showered up and put on a pretty dress and headed out for my dinner date.
Burger and fries never tasted so good!
Chatted with mum and dad and then slipped into a happy sleep coma that didn't include any alarms the next morning!
Welcome Weekend! :)
Leanna xo

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