Sunday 8 July 2012

Doors, Ditching and Turbulence Oh My!

Today was incredible!! Finally some fun!
We did a little theory based lesson this morning, and quick introductions and then suddenly we jumped right into the flight simulator which looks exactly like a real plane and we did a take off and landing (weirdest feeling!) and then went into a room to practice opening and closing the aircraft door in different situations. (normal offload and emergency offload with the inflatable slide/raft) It was easier than I had imagined, the door just follows along on tracks, so it's not heavy (perhaps just not that heavy for me?) and you just follow the same protocol each time, checking indicators, porthole window, disengage handle, push door, swing, lock into place. My new favourite word is disengage!
Then suddenly it was lunch time!
Afterwards we did a quick lesson on turbulence and then we were back into the simulator to experience  turbulence. In theory, if you just tell yourself you are only a foot off the ground in a building you are unlikely to get shaken up by much going on around you. "Stay Grounded!" haha
They shook us around a couple of times and showed us how to perform the cross checks on doors and how to secure the galley, lavatory and passengers for and during turbulence all with a meal trolley in the aisle! It's multi tasking at it's best!
The training specialists didn't think much to tell you off if you did something wrong, serious or not. They don't want their time or the simulators time wasted with students who aren't implementing the correct procedures or learning the first time from feedback they are giving.
I don't want to brag but I didn't get feedback, I got a simple, Leanna you preformed perfectly. Thank you.
I promise not to let it go to my head! I was nervous the whole time when it was my turn, but I didn't show a stitch of it. Acting people! Get amongst it.
I can't wait for more tomorrow! I hope my good luck holds and my performance is up to snuff!
Here's a photo of me at the training college, floor 1 with the simulators and pool behind me!
Can't wait to tell you what I get up to tomorrow!

Leanna xo
P.S I am falling back in love with Nutella (sorry Dad!) and I still feel like I am on vacation! I hope  it never changes!

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