Saturday 21 July 2012


SEP is done! Whew! Airbus 93.6% and Boeing 97.6%!
Weekend was amazingly relaxing! I slept in, laid by the pool in the late afternoon and cooked lazy meals! Watched movies and read magazines on the couch! It was perfect! Had a two hour Skype date with mum and dad after not speaking with them pretty well all week what with all the studying I had to get done in the limited amount of time in the evenings! It was so nice to see their faces again!
Also made my first international phone call on Thursday night to let them know I had passed the exam and that all was fine (since the weekend is here again and the internet is down)
5 days until I get my passport and visa back!! Can't wait! Full time internet in the apartment here I come!
School day tomorrow, first day of Medical Training! Looking forward to a change of pace!
Sorry this is a short one, I've got to make lunch and get to bed!
Bigger update to come after my first medical training day!
Leanna xo

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