Tuesday 17 July 2012


I can't remember the last time I had to sit so many exams! Actually I do..2009.
Sunday's SEP exam just testing us on a Safety and Emergency Procedures went very well! I only got one question wrong, so my score was 97.5% then immediately following that exam we launched into two days of Drills and Loose Equipment on 3 different configurations of the Airbus. (330-200, 340-300 and 340-500)
We had another exam this morning that was 50 multiple choice questions, a full written loose equipment diagram and a full written pre and post landing as well as a pre and post ditching drill for two separate stations in the aircraft. It was around the 17 minuet mark when our trainer let us know that we were running out of time and I was on question 14 out of 50. I don't believe I actually finished the exam.
Our scores were given back to us twenty minuets later. I received a stellar 93.6% getting four multiple choice questions incorrect yet 100% on the drills and loose equipment diagrams! It was stressful. It felt like I was back in the interview where they had us wait outside the door and then let us know if we passed or not and could move onto the next activity. The competitor in me is coming out a little bit more each day. Now a passing 80% isn't near good enough, it's 100% or no deal. I am upset each time when I should just be thankful that I passed the exam and live to see another day.
Immediately following this exam we then had to switch our brains off of all Airbus aircrafts and focus on a completely different aircraft, the Boeing. (777-300 and 777-200) Now all the information we learned about the Airbus in a week and a half we now have to learn in two days because guess what? We have another giant exam this time on Boeing on Wednesday morning. Another 50 multiple choice exam with pre and post landing and pre and post ditching drills as well as another loose equipment diagram. Not much is similar between the Airbus and the Boeing so this is a huge learning curve.
We learned how to open the Boeing door this afternoon and tomorrow we have our final assessment on it. Let me repeat that, we just opened the door this afternoon, once, and we have a final assessment on it tomorrow. The pre-flight checks, door configuration and slide inflation handles are all completely different!
More memorization!
I've been reading the same page over and over again for the past two hours and I think I've got it. So I went a did a little laundry folding and washed the dishes all the while repeating the chants to myself out loud over and over. Come on 100% tomorrow morning!
The weekend can't come soon enough this week! Too many exams!
Next week we have two weeks of GMT (General Medical Terminology I think?) either way it's medical drills and equipment. Should be interesting!
Back to studying - I'm even going ahead in the course book to try and pack as much new information into my head before tomorrows overload!
Leanna xo
P.S My notebook is almost full..and I still have about four more weeks of note writing to do before training is over..perhaps I need a new one?

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