Sunday 15 July 2012

Not So Fast..

It may have just been a temporary malfunction with the internet. No bother. I'm not able to get my passport back early anyways (I asked, he said no, hater). So I am so happy the closet office internet decided to start working again. Otherwise I would have had to try other means of being connect for the next two weeks until July 26th when I get all the paperwork back! Sigh!
Please let this hold for the next 10 days, that's all I need! 10 more days pretty please!

In other news, my first big exam went stellar! Only one wrong! It was a bummer because I second guessed myself on the answer and I should have changed it but I was too stubborn and left it on my first choice! Oh well! 97.5% Isn't horrible either! I will take it!

We have another exam on Tuesday, and it's bigger, and harder, and it's on all the information they are going to stuff into our heads over the next three days from 7AM - 3:30PM. So far today was day one, and I'm already feeling a headache coming on from all the differences between the 3 Airbus Aircrafts we have to know and this doesn't include any of the Boeing Aircraft Types yet! Gosh!

I have a lot of new study material to start going over tonight after dinner!
I wish I had more interesting things to say, but I am just keeping my head down in the books for now, I promise the action will start to pick up in 4 weeks!

Leanna xo
P.S I am trying hard to remember to take pictures of what we are up to at school! Hopefully have a few to put up in a few days! 

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