Sunday 29 July 2012

Security Training Day 1

There's a first time for everything, don't judge, I had to do two loads of laundry last night before bed and I ended up falling asleep in class this morning before being shouted at by my trainer to wake up and stand up at the back of the room! 
Thanks to my father I ended up redeeming myself much to the trainers amazement in the weapons recognition exercise. I could name and explain how each weapon operated, including what a sawed off shotgun was. Ha! I knew brand names of all the handguns and what bullets each one took. 
He gave me a look of amazement mixed with terror.
Come on 100%!! If only that was the only category on the exam..darn. 
We also talked about things you aren't ever supposed to talk about with anyone...out loud.
Bombs, Sabotage and Hijacking. We learned how to deal with a bomb on board our plane and the key words to use to alert the Captain in a Hijacking. Crazy stuff! 
Then the last two hours we did self defence, which was fun! It was a pretty easy peasy day which was nice for once! We do have an exam tomorrow afternoon but he said if we paid attention in class and read our manuals in the evening we would do just fine (and me especially now that I am teachers pet!)
After school I headed to HQ to do more homework called E-Learning Modules. I will probably have to go tomorrow afternoon as well. There's just so much work in every corner every time I turn around! 
Mop the floors, wash the dishes, laundry laundry laundry, make lunch, make dinner, study study study and the cycle continues. 
Nicole: Sometimes I feel like the maid; I just cleaned up this mess! Can we keep it clean for...for ten minuets?! (Ten Points if you can tell me where that's from!)

Leanna xo
P.S Last week at my Carrefore grocery store at the front door there is a bulletin board where people put up things they are selling here and when I left the store I noticed that a new paper was posted from someone selling a monkey! A real live 2 month old baby monkey in cute diapers! They wanted 6000 DHS which is $1500.00 CAD I seriously stood there for 15 minuets considering what I would do with a pet monkey! The next day in class I tried to sell the girls in my batch on going halves for the monkey and we could share him. I went back the next night to get the number and call and ask about it but the paper was gone. Someone snatched that monkey up fast! Oh well..probably for the best!

1 comment:

  1. THE INCREDIBLES! Hello 10 points! Haha.
    A classified monkey with diapers! I want to see a sign like that in a grocery store here! We just have the usual rickety wooden chairs that hoarder's children try to pawn off on people. Too bad there's a high demand for non-potty trained monkeys there or I could have been an Aunt! Maybe next time. Keep a look out for more ads I also love baby tigers ;)
