Saturday 30 June 2012

Mosque Visit

Saturday - yes it is still my day off but we have a mandatory mosque visit we must attend to learn more about the muslim religion and ask any questions we might have.
No we didn't have to dress up in the outfits, but we did have to have pants on (not shorts, not capris, pants, regular pants) and a long sleeve shirt. We could bring our own scarf to cover our head otherwise they provide one. I brought my own.

It was a very weirdly interesting visit learning about religion. So many rules in this country revolve around the religion. It explained a lot about why things are the way they are. No pork or pork flavoured items at the grocery store, why some women are more covered up than others, the alcohol license and the prayer speeches that can be heard creepily making their way outside speakers of mosques.
I didn't update you from what I did yesterday because I didn't do anything. I slept like the dead and lounged on the couch for the rest of the day.
I promise my life will get more interesting and you'll want to read more about it! Haha!
Leanna xo

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