Friday 22 June 2012

First Day in Dubai

Shower worked fine after I flipped the switch, and the building has 28 floors (promised I would check and let you know!) and one pool is on the 25th floor and the other is on the 27th floor both rooftop outdoor pools that sparkle and ooze gorgeousness! The views aren't terrible either (ha!)
First shopping date in Dubai with Ashley, we hit up the Mall of Emirates (separate from the Mall of Dubai) with the fancy and strange Ski Dubai inside the mall. They even have snowmen and tobogganing inside as well! And a skating rink!
The mall has so many shops that are familiar from back home, Starbucks, Quicksilver, Oakley, Pottery Barn, Crate and Barrel and Bed and Bath for their yummy hand soap! Walking around the mall, seeing the same shops and talking with another Canadian felt like I was back home all afternoon.
Made a stop at the Hypermarket Carrefore (GIANT, the Carrefore by my place is just a Carrefore Express so it just has food and a couple of appliances) and walked up and down the aisles looking for the items on my list I had written down that morning.
Even though I had a list I started to feel so overwhelmed with all the decisions on what to buy in the moment that all I ended up buying was four packs of hangers and two Lion Bars and we went home.
We had dinner at the mall at a place called "Chop Chop" we both ordered the Sweet Chili Chicken with rice and vegetables. I discovered awfully quickly that our Sweet Chili and there's is something completely different. It's crazy burning hot spicy. I ate about two pieces of chicken before wolfing down all of the rice and my entire bottle of water to get rid of the spice!
The waiter noticed my odd behaviour and came over to find out what
Tomorrow is IKEA day where I can hopefully feel more decisive!
Leanna xo

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