Monday 18 June 2012


Today started off swell, my dad made "good time" to Calgary for my departure flight. Had an early lunch with my Auntie and Uncle there and said more sad goodbyes then the crap hit the fan. Literally. Well not literally but pretty close.
I was originally supposed to be on a 2:00PM flight to Toronto. It got cancelled. Then I was placed on a 3:00PM flight. It got cancelled. When I arrived to check in at the airport I found out I was now on a 4:00PM which simply would not do as it would get me in at the exact same time my Emirates connection flight to Dubai would be departing. So quick thinking and some swift movements took us to the WestJet desk to book a 2:25PM flight they had to Toronto which would get me into Toronto at 8:00PM exactly 1 hour and 40 mins before my Emirates flight departed (impossible because they begin boarding the flight THREE hours before departure). I would have to do some serious running and begging all at once.

I arrived off my flight into Terminal 3 in Toronto and had to collect my luggage and switch to Terminal 1 to check in for the Emirates flight. I have 3 oversize and overweight bags along with 2 overweight carry ons (shhh!) that no matter how you organize all the bags onto the hand basket sized cart you pay $2 for it isn't happening. Not today.
Nicole - All I could think to do was laugh at how ridiculous I must have looked (I told you I wasn't going to have any stupid stories to tell you and here I am!)
Long story short. I missed my flight. The second one in my whole life and this time it wasn't my fault. I still felt extremely foolish seeing as how this was going to be my job - being on time for flights - and on my airline no less. Awesome!
I am now in Toronto for two days until Wednesday evening when the Airbus returns to Toronto. I've been on 5 phone calls to Dubai now this evening and 9 emails later everything has been worked out. I am staying at a swanky hotel near the airport in a presidential suite!
I plan to kick back and relax until the craziness starts up again.
My induction has also been postponed because I was supposed to be at it tomorrow after I landed in Dubai - but that clearly isn't possible. My induction now starts on June 27th so I have a whole different batch and batch mates. Should be interesting!
My accommodation stays the same so no worries on that front.
It's 3AM here in Toronto and time for bed. Serious sleeping in tomorrow! What an insane and unreal first experience on my adventure. I never could have dreamed up what is happening now!
Please cross your fingers that the next try at it is smooth sailing!
Chat more tomorrow!
Leanna xox
P.S I returned two trollies and recouped 50 cents! That should make my parents proud!

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