Thursday 28 June 2012

Government Medical

Today was not better. Today was even worse.
My life has become one hilarious horrible event after the next!
I did get on the right bus this morning at 6:30AM.
First we had this great Fire Safety Talk with a very humorous German fire marshal who informed us of all the things in our apartment that can blow up, catch on fire or malfunction and also start a fire. Buy adapters, but not the cheap ones. Don't cook, eat out (we are safer that way he informed us) don't smoke, don't leave the lights on, don't light get the idea. He had pie charts and graphs proving all the points lead to cabin crew destroying apartment buildings because we try and cook, light candles, leave lights on and smoke all at the same time while our laundry machine is shorting out as well. He was incredible! I could have listened to him talk all day! I'm pretty sure I was the only one in the auditorium laughing myself silly, I couldn't stop laughing at his jokes. Maybe it's a language barrier because I was laughing and crying by the end of his speech and everyone was glaring at me.
They were all about to cry and certainly not from laughing.
As if we hadn't been poked and prodded enough back at home with our own countries medical exams now it was Dubai's turn!
Three blood tests, one after the other.
I've never seen bruises on the inside of my arms this big, it was gross. I didn't take photos, so don't ask. That doesn't need to be seen. Heck I shouldn't even be talking about it on here.
I just wanted you to feel a little bit of the pain I had to go through on my second day with the company.

Lunch was smooshed somewhere between all the blood gathering and people fainting and crying. I was surprised that I wasn't the only one who brings my lunch all packed up in tupperware cases. It was nice to see! These people are crazy about coffee though, so it saves me some time and money that I'm not into coffee.
Their weeks here are from Sunday - Thursday so tomorrow we get two days off!
Welcome Weekend, I've been waiting for you.
Leanna xo

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