Saturday 23 June 2012

The Great IKEA Shopping Day 2012 Edition

I've been busy nesting my new home! Oh, Ikea, you were good to me today!
I filled an entire shopping cart. I've never filled a shopping cart full before! It was a weird, scary feeling. I can't wait for my new roommate to show up so we can start doing nesting and decorating together of the common areas! I will let the photos speak for themselves for now! I am still on the hunt for a new blowdryer, duvet cover and some pretty fancy sheets.

 My temporary "office" in the closet because that's where the wifi I steal is located.

Leanna xo
P.S They don't have bathroom fans in my building and possibly in the whole of Dubai. So you have to leave the bathroom door open and the AC cranked to clear out the shower humidity. Interesting! I'm thankful my bathroom is ensuite so this works!

1 comment:

  1. Hey!! I was JUST thinking I hadn't heard from you, and was just about to seek out your blog...! Appartment looks awesome. I am especially delighted to see the full collection of the Gilmore Girls! I happen to be a huge fan as well, and have seen every episode countless times.

    I hope you are well. I think of you so often.

