Wednesday 27 June 2012

Induction Day 1

I set my mobile phone alarm to 4:45AM. I had to have a quick morning shower when I woke up and make sure I have everything in my bag ready to go. I had packed my lunch the night before so that was set to go and I had a croissant and strawberry yogurt for breakfast then stuffed all my documents into my big red bag, locked the doors, switched off the lights, took the elevator downstairs and then proceeded to get on the wrong bus.
I did it on purpose...right.
Hopped into a taxi and took the five min ride between the training college (where I wasn't supposed to be) to Emirates Head Quarters (where I was supposed to be) and made more wrong turns after that, up the wrong escalator, into the wrong room. My morning was severely brutal.
I didn't have a name tag because they hadn't updated their systems so from the get go I should have known the rest of my Induction Day wasn't going to go smoothly.
All 66 of us entered a giant auditorium and were asked to sit with our batch mates. I wasn't given a new batch number so therefore I didn't have any batch mates. So I sat alone.
Pretty much the rest of the day went accordingly worse.
My name wasn't on any of the lists, it's like I didn't exist all day long to them.
More good news, when handing in all of our original documents I discovered that suddenly this new checklist we were just given indicted that I was supposed to have my chest x-ray with me along with 4 bite wing x-rays from the dentist and my latest eye exam results. None of which I had brought with me because they weren't on my original checklist.
The end of the day couldn't come soon enough.
The only happy point was getting our red polo shirts.
Please let tomorrow be better.
Leanna xo

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