Tuesday 31 July 2012

Image and Uniform Day

Passed Security Training with only one question wrong on the final exam yesterday!
So today we moved onto wearing our uniforms to training college for the first time! First though we had an early morning at HQ to get our E-Gate Cards and finger prints done at 7AM. I also had a list of paperwork to collect from HR for internet services to be installed in my apartment and some paperwork for the bank. Completely forgot to head to the Canadian Embassy to get them working on my US Visa so I am able to start being rostered for US flights (there is a different protocol for Canadian's so not to worry! We have a pretty easy go at it!) I will have to get that done next week at some point on my days off before my roster starts.
The day went pretty smoothly for me. I was worried they would pick apart my hair and make-up in my image assessment but I got a simple "You look lovely!" and they suggested a brighter red lipstick as they said mine was a little on the dark side. Everyone else had complaints about the fit of their uniforms so I was happy that mine fit really well from the get go (I know I complained about it when I first put it on, but it's grown on me..literally.)
We were at training college until 9:30PM this evening, I just got home an hour ago. I am completely exhausted and my feet are so sore from the new red shoes. I really wish the weekend was tomorrow already but it's Nujoum Day which is just as good since we are doing fun activities and are being fed like kings and queens and we get to dress casual tomorrow, which means jeans and sneakers! So bring it on!
I can't wait to find out what the surprise is all about tomorrow!

This is the Image and Uniform Room at Training College with all three walls covered with light up mirrors! It was quite the sight! 

 Ta Da!

Told you the jacket makes me look like a football player. Doesn't help that I raised my arms on my hips and the jacket front puffed out. Promise not to do that ever again. This is just inside the lobby of the training college by the way.
Leanna xo
P.S I really wish I had bought that monkey. 

Sunday 29 July 2012

Security Training Day 1

There's a first time for everything, don't judge, I had to do two loads of laundry last night before bed and I ended up falling asleep in class this morning before being shouted at by my trainer to wake up and stand up at the back of the room! 
Thanks to my father I ended up redeeming myself much to the trainers amazement in the weapons recognition exercise. I could name and explain how each weapon operated, including what a sawed off shotgun was. Ha! I knew brand names of all the handguns and what bullets each one took. 
He gave me a look of amazement mixed with terror.
Come on 100%!! If only that was the only category on the exam..darn. 
We also talked about things you aren't ever supposed to talk about with anyone...out loud.
Bombs, Sabotage and Hijacking. We learned how to deal with a bomb on board our plane and the key words to use to alert the Captain in a Hijacking. Crazy stuff! 
Then the last two hours we did self defence, which was fun! It was a pretty easy peasy day which was nice for once! We do have an exam tomorrow afternoon but he said if we paid attention in class and read our manuals in the evening we would do just fine (and me especially now that I am teachers pet!)
After school I headed to HQ to do more homework called E-Learning Modules. I will probably have to go tomorrow afternoon as well. There's just so much work in every corner every time I turn around! 
Mop the floors, wash the dishes, laundry laundry laundry, make lunch, make dinner, study study study and the cycle continues. 
Nicole: Sometimes I feel like the maid; I just cleaned up this mess! Can we keep it clean for...for ten minuets?! (Ten Points if you can tell me where that's from!)

Leanna xo
P.S Last week at my Carrefore grocery store at the front door there is a bulletin board where people put up things they are selling here and when I left the store I noticed that a new paper was posted from someone selling a monkey! A real live 2 month old baby monkey in cute diapers! They wanted 6000 DHS which is $1500.00 CAD I seriously stood there for 15 minuets considering what I would do with a pet monkey! The next day in class I tried to sell the girls in my batch on going halves for the monkey and we could share him. I went back the next night to get the number and call and ask about it but the paper was gone. Someone snatched that monkey up fast! Oh well..probably for the best!

Friday 27 July 2012

Happy Birthday Melandi!

Slept in late this morning and had a quick lunch before throwing on a dress and heading to Dubai Mall to meet the girls for Afternoon Tea at the ritzy Address Hotel for Melandi's Birthday!
We had yummy desert and shopped until we literally dropped at 11pm this evening! The mall is incredible! Had the loveliest time with the fab four! 

NYC Cheesecake with berry compote

 Birthday girl with flowers from me and a chocolate brownie!

 The Fabulous Four! Melandi, Emma and Shelley from left to right.
One Canadian, One South African and Two Aussies!

 Thousands of paper butterflies hanging from the ceiling in the mall.

Incredible or what?!

Leanna xo
P.S No internet yet, try again tomorrow. 

GMT Update!

This week has been non stop!
So much medical information I had no clue about and was learning for the first time, more memorization of where it is all located and it's local drug name and international drug name. Yikes. Times 3.
Since 2010 there have been 24 deaths onboard Emirates flights and 19 births. Pretty much evens out!
Is it weird that I really want to have an emergency child birth on board? How incredible would that be though? Now that's something to write home about!
I know how to handle pretty well any medical emergency that can happen on board! It's a pretty powerful feeling!
This morning was the GMT final exam and I am happy to announce it was also the day of my first 100% on an exam! I was the only one in my class! I am still surprised! I was sure that I had a couple wrong when I left the room, however when I entered, I entered to applause and pats on the back well done!
Feedback was my second favourite part of the day, I received the incredibly rare status of Advanced in the Medical Field. My trainer said in the past five years she has never given it to anyone before and this was her first time. I haven't felt that proud of myself in a long time!
Then came salary collection, bank selection (Emirates NBD) and paperwork signing, uniform pick up, passport and visa return and our brand new ID cards! Oh and our big black suitcases for layovers.
The entire day was filled with so much excitement! Especially after the exam was done and over with we could all relax a little!
Also received my first roster! First Kuwait, then Jeddah and a long haul flight to Sri Lanka Colombo and a layover in Singapore! As well as the SUP flights that we do as practice and I don't know the destination until the night previous!
This week Ramadan started and it's a big difference in how things work. Loads of restaurants aren't open until after dark and you can't eat or drink anything in public or in the college unless you are in the cafeteria. I have been very well behaved and I am getting used to the rules of the month however I can't wait for it to be over! It's a rather large hassle. Good thing I only fly for the last week of August so I shouldn't have to deal with too many Ramadan flights to the Holy Land or whatever it's called.
I am excited to look up some interesting things to do in my 26 hour layover in Singapore, apparently it's a divine place to be so I've been told over and over again from everyone!
As soon as I got home I tried on the uniform for the first time, all the pieces and was rather taken aback. I look like a football player. I don't like it one bit. The hat is the only pretty part of the entire ensemble. How sad. Well I am stuck with it for the next three years.
I do have to get the skirt shortened a touch as it is way too long even by their standards. And the jacket needs to be taken in a bit at the sides to give it a little shape. I will make it work, not to worry. The shoes are comfortable! However all the pieces of the uniform are made of polyester. Yuk. Welcome to the 80's.
Anyways..next week we have two days of security, imagine and uniform for one day and our star Nujoum day and then we start Service training which lasts for the last two days of the week and then another full week the week after then we are free to fly! Can you believe I am going to start the job in two weeks? I just feel like I am at school back home and not in Dubai and not about to become a full fledge flight attendant. I also signed the paperwork today for the GCAA license. Insane. General Civil Aviation Association License. Basically my license to fly.
Welcome Weekend, I deserve a day off! :)

 Shoe boxes, cardigan, belt, red pyjamas, oven gloves and in the big brown box my red hat!

 Shelley unpacking her uniform goodies! 

Leanna xo
P.S Happy Pizza Thursday!

Sunday 22 July 2012


Well this next week is going to be a jam packed information overload of everything from choking to childbirth all onboard an aircraft flying 39,000 feet in the air. People die, people have kids, and everything in between. You'd be surprised how often this all happens, I was.
Here's a couple new photos, the first two are from the last day of SEP with our training specialists in the back of the photo wearing black polo shirts (Fiona and Ajay)
And the next few are of the first day of GMT!
Leanna xo

 Bunheads all in Red!

 We got them this really lovely "Thank you, Goodbye" Cake! 

 CPR on a baby.

 CPR on an adult.

The gang getting ready for their first CPR assessment.

Saturday 21 July 2012


SEP is done! Whew! Airbus 93.6% and Boeing 97.6%!
Weekend was amazingly relaxing! I slept in, laid by the pool in the late afternoon and cooked lazy meals! Watched movies and read magazines on the couch! It was perfect! Had a two hour Skype date with mum and dad after not speaking with them pretty well all week what with all the studying I had to get done in the limited amount of time in the evenings! It was so nice to see their faces again!
Also made my first international phone call on Thursday night to let them know I had passed the exam and that all was fine (since the weekend is here again and the internet is down)
5 days until I get my passport and visa back!! Can't wait! Full time internet in the apartment here I come!
School day tomorrow, first day of Medical Training! Looking forward to a change of pace!
Sorry this is a short one, I've got to make lunch and get to bed!
Bigger update to come after my first medical training day!
Leanna xo

Tuesday 17 July 2012


I can't remember the last time I had to sit so many exams! Actually I do..2009.
Sunday's SEP exam just testing us on a Safety and Emergency Procedures went very well! I only got one question wrong, so my score was 97.5% then immediately following that exam we launched into two days of Drills and Loose Equipment on 3 different configurations of the Airbus. (330-200, 340-300 and 340-500)
We had another exam this morning that was 50 multiple choice questions, a full written loose equipment diagram and a full written pre and post landing as well as a pre and post ditching drill for two separate stations in the aircraft. It was around the 17 minuet mark when our trainer let us know that we were running out of time and I was on question 14 out of 50. I don't believe I actually finished the exam.
Our scores were given back to us twenty minuets later. I received a stellar 93.6% getting four multiple choice questions incorrect yet 100% on the drills and loose equipment diagrams! It was stressful. It felt like I was back in the interview where they had us wait outside the door and then let us know if we passed or not and could move onto the next activity. The competitor in me is coming out a little bit more each day. Now a passing 80% isn't near good enough, it's 100% or no deal. I am upset each time when I should just be thankful that I passed the exam and live to see another day.
Immediately following this exam we then had to switch our brains off of all Airbus aircrafts and focus on a completely different aircraft, the Boeing. (777-300 and 777-200) Now all the information we learned about the Airbus in a week and a half we now have to learn in two days because guess what? We have another giant exam this time on Boeing on Wednesday morning. Another 50 multiple choice exam with pre and post landing and pre and post ditching drills as well as another loose equipment diagram. Not much is similar between the Airbus and the Boeing so this is a huge learning curve.
We learned how to open the Boeing door this afternoon and tomorrow we have our final assessment on it. Let me repeat that, we just opened the door this afternoon, once, and we have a final assessment on it tomorrow. The pre-flight checks, door configuration and slide inflation handles are all completely different!
More memorization!
I've been reading the same page over and over again for the past two hours and I think I've got it. So I went a did a little laundry folding and washed the dishes all the while repeating the chants to myself out loud over and over. Come on 100% tomorrow morning!
The weekend can't come soon enough this week! Too many exams!
Next week we have two weeks of GMT (General Medical Terminology I think?) either way it's medical drills and equipment. Should be interesting!
Back to studying - I'm even going ahead in the course book to try and pack as much new information into my head before tomorrows overload!
Leanna xo
P.S My notebook is almost full..and I still have about four more weeks of note writing to do before training is over..perhaps I need a new one?

Sunday 15 July 2012

Not So Fast..

It may have just been a temporary malfunction with the internet. No bother. I'm not able to get my passport back early anyways (I asked, he said no, hater). So I am so happy the closet office internet decided to start working again. Otherwise I would have had to try other means of being connect for the next two weeks until July 26th when I get all the paperwork back! Sigh!
Please let this hold for the next 10 days, that's all I need! 10 more days pretty please!

In other news, my first big exam went stellar! Only one wrong! It was a bummer because I second guessed myself on the answer and I should have changed it but I was too stubborn and left it on my first choice! Oh well! 97.5% Isn't horrible either! I will take it!

We have another exam on Tuesday, and it's bigger, and harder, and it's on all the information they are going to stuff into our heads over the next three days from 7AM - 3:30PM. So far today was day one, and I'm already feeling a headache coming on from all the differences between the 3 Airbus Aircrafts we have to know and this doesn't include any of the Boeing Aircraft Types yet! Gosh!

I have a lot of new study material to start going over tonight after dinner!
I wish I had more interesting things to say, but I am just keeping my head down in the books for now, I promise the action will start to pick up in 4 weeks!

Leanna xo
P.S I am trying hard to remember to take pictures of what we are up to at school! Hopefully have a few to put up in a few days! 

Saturday 14 July 2012

The Jig Is Up

Well my wifi stealing days just expired. Someone got wise on my trail and shut the free highway down. I'm pretty sad about it. I only had two more weeks until I get my passport and working visa back (two things I need to sign up for internet access in my apartment) why couldn't it just last a little bit longer! :(
Oh well! Now I am upstairs in a girls apartment that I take the bus with every morning, she was lovely enough to offer her internet access to me. However my mac doesn't work so I am also on her laptop. Talk about needy. I emailed my induction officer (not asking) demanding my passport and visa early because it is unacceptable for my apartment to not have internet access. I will let you know how that turns out!
In other news, I am trying to study as hard as I can for my first big exam tomorrow morning. I am definitly nervous. I hope I do well, I just don't feel quite prepared enough! I wish I had more time!
I went shopping yesterday afternoon with Melandi and I bought a pink dish drainer, some lemon scented garbage bags and some pretty traveling wall decals for the apartment. It's going to look smashing! Oh and I also got some more hand soap and a really lovely mint chocolate smelling candle at Bath and Body Works! |
Nicole - The Paradise Coconut hand soap is divine in the summer collection! You and Donny 5 Iron are going to love it! :) However they don't have the moisturizing kind here, just the one with beads in it and the foaming one. A little strange?
Well that's all for now, I need to finish up laundry, cook dinner, make lunch, put the sheets back on the bed, shower, eat dinner and study some more before bed. I need to hire a cleaner and a cook or something. HAHA
Leanna xo

Thursday 12 July 2012

End of First Week of SEP (Safety and Emergency Procedures)

First off! A little house keeping: I was being informed by the gang that everyone isn't able to comment because there isn't an anonymous option to leave a comment, please note that I have fixed this issue and you are now able to select to leave a comment as anonymous rather than before you had to have some kind of URL address to leave a comment. Just state your name at the end of your message so I know who's talking!

This post is another two in one! I was crazy busy last evening so I wasn't able to update you on what I did yesterday! Our day's lesson was on Decompression in the Cabin of the Aircraft. Basically it's when there is a leak in the window, door or fuselage (aircraft exterior) that is allowing outside pressure inside the cabin causing the pressure to change slowly, however a passenger would feel the change and complain about feeling cold, a hissing noise, or their sinuses being blocked up suddenly. The Captain would then make a decision to divert the flight to land asap if the leak was increasing and becoming worse, otherwise we would just deal with it and move passengers away from the area and continue the flight. A rapid decompression is one where a window or door blows out, and if you aren't buckled in you will be literally sucked from the aircraft. Spooky stuff. The Captain would make a rapid decent to a much lower altitude that humans are able to breath within and we would have to divert the flight and make an emergency landing. We had to learn how to use oxygen bottles on ourselves and others, what to do if the oxygen masks don't drop from the passenger service unit (all the controls above your head) and what to do in the emergency situation that a window or door does pop off the aircraft and go flying god knows where and there is now a giant hole in the aircraft! I received another Excellent on my homework and procedure activity! Last night I had two assignments to complete while on top of that preparing for my first Door Assessment in the morning! I was up until 11:30pm and woke up to get ready and do a little extra studying at 5:00am. So it was a busy evening! More studying to come I am sure! It's not near over yet! 

Today: We learned about Anticipated Emergencies! Land and Water (ditching) in which we actually left the aircraft into the pool beside it and had to perform some water survival procedures and prepare the raft and canopy for the passengers all in full clothing and with a giant life vest on! It was crazy heavy! Again I received an Excellent! I am starting to think that maybe a lot of you were right to think that perhaps I was meant to do this job! This mornings door assessment couldn't have gone any better! I am usually panicky when it comes to exams or performing an assessment but I was relaxed and totally prepared! I knew everything word perfect and by heart! 
I am so excited that the weekend has arrived! It has been a long long week! No plans yet for the weekend, but probably going to stock up on some items The Grinch stole from IKEA either tomorrow or Saturday and then the rest of the weekend will be spent at my desk studying like a mad woman for my first big written exam all on SEP and everything has to be word perfect again straight from the manual, there is no creativeness here! That's on Sunday morning then we start learning more about the configuration of the cabins for both Airbus 330 and Boeing 777, the seat numbers and where all the safety equipment is located. It's loads of mismatched information that also has to be memorized perfectly! I am totally up for the challenge! So far everything has come to me fairly easily with very little confusion or difficulty, my fingers are crossed tightly that it will hopefully continue as such! 

Lindsey: This ones for you girl! I haven't heard much about the beds for cabin crew on the aircraft but I did hear a mention that they do in fact exist! As soon as I have more information regarding them I will report back to you! I knew you were dying to know all the insider information! :) Also thanks heaps for helping my mum out with those X-rays! I really appreciated it! 

Thats all for now! More tomorrow perhaps if I get out of the house and do something other than study?
Leanna xo

Tuesday 10 July 2012


It's been a busy two days! Learning all morning long new procedures and protocols and then putting them into practice until almost 4PM then about 2-3 hours of homework when you get in the door at home. Wolf down some dinner, chat with the family, shower and hop into bed. This is now my life for the next 5 weeks.
Yesterday: Unanticipated Emergency Landings - Means a return to field after we have taken off for a possible emergency or a rejected take off where the aircraft brakes very quickly and sharply before the end of the runway for a possible emergency. We also learned how to brace ourselves for impact as well as what to instruct the passengers to do "Bend Down, Stay Down" there's a lot of yelling involved in emergencies I have found. One girl even lost her voice shouting the commands! We deployed slides/rafts and actually got to jump and slide down them this time upon evacuation. We also learned all about the emergency equipment onboard, there's loads in every nook and cranny! You wouldn't believe where stuff is crammed!
I have received an excellent on all my homework thus far as well as in all my practical assessments! I am at the top of the heap for sure! The only thing that was given feedback on was during an evacuation not all doors open for whatever reason in the simulator, they program it like that on purpose because not every emergency or evacuation is going to go perfectly with all doors opening and all slides deploying and inflating properly so they like to put a wrench in the system to see how we will react, and react I did. I have been used to my door opening perfectly for the last two days now, opening after opening and then suddenly upon evacuation I did my checks and proceeded to lift the lever and push the door open but nothing happened. The lever lifted but the door did nothing. I immediately stood back to analyze what was going on with it, did I do something wrong? Did I miss a step? Is the power assist broken and I have to shove the door with all my might? Anyways, in the process of trying to figure out the door, I let go of my assist handle attached to the side of the aircraft (a big no no at all times) and then when I jumped back into my role of directing everyone away from my door and to the next available exit I still didn't have my hand on the handle. When I was given the feedback it wasn't like most of my batch mates where they get a massive tongue lashing, all the instructors giggled because they loved my face of true surprise and determination to get the dang door open that I didn't really get punished and it never got written on my notes!
I had such a lovely day until I arrived home. The grinch had come and gone. Clearing out the entire apartment. No I wasn't robbed. My roommate moved out and took the last can of who hash. I was right to not place too much trust in this girl. I'm glad I didn't give her too much of my time and effort. I'd love to know what she thinks she is going to do with all the crummy appliances she is shipping back to Canada with her, does she not understand she will require an adapter for each cord? She acted very childish and petty towards the situation. She even took the dish drainer for putting clean dishes on after you wash them. I shrugged most of it all off, I wanted to get new stuff with my new roommate soon anyways! Her story changed so quickly from when I first met her, she said she didn't mind leaving all the little things behind, toaster, iron, kitchen stuff and living room rug. Apparently I ignored her in the hallway or something and she got into a tizzy over it. She's crazy over sensitive and has no self confidence. She even asked me last week if I had written anything bad about her in my blog. I said no, which is true, until you do something stupid then for sure you'll be placed in here. I want everyone to know what kind of a psycho I am dealing with. Beside the point, when I was cooking dinner last night I realized I was missing two of my IKEA knives. I searched around the cupboards with no avail so I texted her that she might have taken my knives by mistake and could she check and let me know? She phoned me back right away on fire to say how unappreciative I am of her and how dare I ask her on her last day in Dubai to come back to the apartment to return two trivial knives. She said she left me two mugs and a vase that I should appreciate. (The two mugs had been used by her and her boyfriend and were left in the sink to be washed, without the dish drainer, just two dirty mugs, WOW thanks!) You're right I should say thanks and shut my mouth? What are you on? As if I would let something like this slide. What a nut job. So when it came to a close her boyfriend agreed to drop the knives off at the security booth and I could get them from there. So I hung up without saying thanks or goodbye. Good Riddance! Ding Dong the Witch is Dead!

Today: I usually sleep on the way to training in the mornings and sleep on the way back home at the end of the day but for some reason today I was wide awake both there and back and I'm glad I got the chance to take in the route of the bus and all the sights we pass! I saw some really unusual and interesting sights! Hows this: The Emirates Macaroni Factory and Wolfi's Bike Shop! I saw a hospital that just opened for operation near my apartment building and they have giant banners running down the front of the hospital saying "Open Now, Come On In!" What an invite! Lets all get injured and head on down for the special event! I saw TWO Tim Hortons along the route, a ton of fancy car dealerships and the full view of the Burj Kalifa! It's massive! There are two buildings near my house that look EXACTLY like the Empire State Building two of them side by side! The buildings here are so interesting, all different shapes and sizes and just covered from top to bottom with windows so high up! I don't know what kind of dare devils they get to build and finish these monsters but kudos for your bravery! You wouldn't see me hanging outside of one of these buildings ever!
Training today was Fire Fighting! It was incredible! They placed us in this steel box that was mimiking and aircraft with the galley kitchen, seats and lavatory and we had to put out real fires! It was fantastic! Unfortunately my partner and I did the job so well that we didn't get to do it again. One fire, perfect, you're done thank very much! I must say I was jealous of all the incompetent people who got to do it two or three times! I had such a good time I wanted to do it again and they said no!
Then after the real fire fighting we went into the cabin simulator and worked on protocols in real time with other cabin crew (fake fire this time) but it was still a good practice. I would have gotten another perfect on my activity however I had some dumb guy butt into my zone while I was extinguishing the oven fire in the galley and switch the oven back on after I had already done all my checks and turned it off. Basically I got a lashing because of it, what I should have done they told me was switch it back off again, tell him off for touching my business, and then shove him away, both in the simulator and in real life. When I am fighting the fire it is my area, stay out. I was so furious all afternoon that he basically sabotaged my activity. I like my perfect record and he has now ruined it. Thanks a lot you donkey. I absolutely feel like I am being held back in the batch I am in, I feel like I am excelling so quickly and I am constantly having to wait and listen to everyones silly questions when I understand everything and want to move on with the lesson. Oh well. You win some you lose some.
In other news:
After the grinch incident last night I took a big black garbage bag and started to do my own clean out of everything that was hers that she left behind. All the old gross food in the fridge and crammed it all in the bag, feeling satisfied I had gotten it out of my system and MY new apartment I set it by the door deciding in the morning to pop it in the bin down the shoot on my way out of the building. When I woke up I got quite the surprise heading to the kitchen. A giant pool of old milk draining from the bag all over the entry way. Her old stupid camel milk. Thank goodness it didn't smell to high heaven. Unfortunately because I time my mornings out so nicely for my normal routine there wasn't time for cleaning up milk, so it had to be left the entire day until I got home this evening to clean it up. It sucked, but it was all okay in the end.
That's all I've got for now until more action tomorrow!
By the way, I see how many people read my blog and I'm a little miffed that I haven't heard from anyone except my friend Coreena about the last 14 posts I've written. No feedback = No more posts. If I can make time to write them, you can make time to write me. Understand?
Leanna xo
P.S The knives still haven't been returned, stand by.

Sunday 8 July 2012

Doors, Ditching and Turbulence Oh My!

Today was incredible!! Finally some fun!
We did a little theory based lesson this morning, and quick introductions and then suddenly we jumped right into the flight simulator which looks exactly like a real plane and we did a take off and landing (weirdest feeling!) and then went into a room to practice opening and closing the aircraft door in different situations. (normal offload and emergency offload with the inflatable slide/raft) It was easier than I had imagined, the door just follows along on tracks, so it's not heavy (perhaps just not that heavy for me?) and you just follow the same protocol each time, checking indicators, porthole window, disengage handle, push door, swing, lock into place. My new favourite word is disengage!
Then suddenly it was lunch time!
Afterwards we did a quick lesson on turbulence and then we were back into the simulator to experience  turbulence. In theory, if you just tell yourself you are only a foot off the ground in a building you are unlikely to get shaken up by much going on around you. "Stay Grounded!" haha
They shook us around a couple of times and showed us how to perform the cross checks on doors and how to secure the galley, lavatory and passengers for and during turbulence all with a meal trolley in the aisle! It's multi tasking at it's best!
The training specialists didn't think much to tell you off if you did something wrong, serious or not. They don't want their time or the simulators time wasted with students who aren't implementing the correct procedures or learning the first time from feedback they are giving.
I don't want to brag but I didn't get feedback, I got a simple, Leanna you preformed perfectly. Thank you.
I promise not to let it go to my head! I was nervous the whole time when it was my turn, but I didn't show a stitch of it. Acting people! Get amongst it.
I can't wait for more tomorrow! I hope my good luck holds and my performance is up to snuff!
Here's a photo of me at the training college, floor 1 with the simulators and pool behind me!
Can't wait to tell you what I get up to tomorrow!

Leanna xo
P.S I am falling back in love with Nutella (sorry Dad!) and I still feel like I am on vacation! I hope  it never changes!

Thursday 5 July 2012

Two in One

The last two days have been pretty boring. (Hate being negative, sorry!)
Lots of sitting, lots of listening and I am falling asleep.
We had corporate induction today to the company, it feels out of place like we should have had the presentation at the beginning of our induction not on the last day?
We had arabic coffee and dates (Yuk!) and watched a bunch of informative movies regarding Emirates and Dubai.
 Some of the batch mates!

 Raj our disappearing instructor serving us Arabic Coffee and Dates.

 Volha (said the way it sounds, not Volga) and Me, she's from Belarus and we both have a love of Russian food. (We have big plans to find the Russian restaurants here in Dubai, they exist we've been told and I am so stoked out of my socks for it!)

 These people are huge into falcons. Seriously. They are a status symbol and these birds get trained in India and are shipped back here to be sold to rich Dubai people. They even fly first class in their own seat (they pay the same price as a person) The most expensive falcon sold in history was 2 Billion DHS which is around 554 Million CAD. As I said, serious about falcons.

 Arabic Coffee and Dates.
I wasn't the only one who didn't like both as you can see!

Raj explaining the history of Emirates.

The buses for accommodation leave training college at 3:30 each day.
We were kept late till 4:00 so we missed the bus. It felt like our instructor just abandoned us in the cafeteria and we were left to plan our escape routes to get home.
I had heard the girls all talking about more accommodation buses leaving at 5:30 from Building C, I was currently located in Building B which is a 15 min hike across the college grounds.
So I headed on my way so I could be there early. I got lost once on my way there and ended up at the Olympic tennis courts (don't ask, this is the reason I wanted to leave so early) so I turned around and went the opposite way finally ended up, overheated and tired at Building C only to be told by the security guards that there wasn't going to be any 5:30 buses today and I could get a bus to HQ from Building B where I had just come from. So on my way I went again, my clothes felt like they were on fire. (It's funnier when I say this to Melandi because she laughs so hard like it's the funniest thing she has ever heard, we get a kick out of one another. Unfortunately she wasn't with me, so it was less funny and I was more mad that I had to do all this extra walking outside in the crazy heat alone) I got stuck back in the tennis court on my way back before finding my way out and back at Building B. I waited inside for 15 mins before the bus finally showed up. We were making some kind of progress even if this bus was just going to be taking me to another bus I was at least a little closer to home.
I didn't get home until 6PM, the latest so far! I decided today was a good day to finally treat myself to dinner out at the cute little French Cafe across the street, that and I was out of food to cook. So I showered up and put on a pretty dress and headed out for my dinner date.
Burger and fries never tasted so good!
Chatted with mum and dad and then slipped into a happy sleep coma that didn't include any alarms the next morning!
Welcome Weekend! :)
Leanna xo

Tuesday 3 July 2012


I woke up with one.
I had taken three advils by the time I arrived at HQ.
My fingers were crossed they would send me home and at the same time wiling myself to get through the day so I didn't have to take time from somewhere else on another day to make up for things I missed!
My doctor couldn't believe that before this job I was a finishing carpenters assistant nor that I had built a house with my father. Not until I showed him the gun show.
Just kidding.
He really was curious about it though, I don't know if it was a tactic to get me to forget about my headache or because he really was curious. He asked about the foundation and what passive solar meant. I told him all about the styrofoam ICF building blocks that looked like lego blocks, and the cement that goes inside the centre, and how you designed the overhang of the roof to both cool and heat the home. I told him all about the cranes that picked up the garage roof and walls and busted things up. I told him about the flood in the spring because of all the snow we got that winter and the extra thick walls with three layers of insulation and the in floor heating. All about the rows and rows of sleepers we put down and the little black clips to hold the hose. I told him how we had to paint the ceiling at least five times to get the perfect chocolate brown and the granite countertops and all the gorgeous finishing we did from the crown moulding to mums chairs of life room with the wainscotting and the wall on the stairs with the big clock and the coffered ceiling in the theatre room.
After all that you'd forget about a headache too. The more I talked about home the more I felt like I was actually there walking down the hallways I was telling him all about.
Anyways I made it through the day and I didn't have to get poked by any more needles thankfully! It was an easy day.
I finished all my E-Learning too that isn't due until Sunday. So I am way ahead of the game!
Tomorrow we are back at the Training College and my batch is learning about Interpersonal Skills with Customers.
Leanna xo

Monday 2 July 2012

Abinitio Group 2052

First day at Training College!
First we got welcomed to Training and then we got to meet Catherine Baird and she gave a speech basically guilt tripping peoples interviews. She is by far the scariest woman currently living. I couldn't believe the things she was saying. Pretty much "I wonder" sums up her entire speech. I hope I never come across her again. She's spooky. She makes me feel guilty about everything! It's like when you look in your review mirror while driving and a cops driving behind you and you start to sweat for no reason. She's the cop behind me.
We got split into two groups since there are four groups, so two each now.
My group got to go first for our uniform fittings.
The Italian tailors downstairs have fitted every single cabin crew member. Their careers with Emirates span over 25 years. It was so cool to meet them!
They gave me a size 10 skirt and size 10 shirt. They say it's easier to take in then let out fabric.
When I came out of the dressing room drowning in cloth they handed me both in a size 8.
He spun me around and his tape measure was flying around me, it's the closest I will get to feeling like something was made especially for me.
As quickly as it began it was over and I was back in the waiting room now trying on the red pumps and cabin flats while the iconic red hat was placed on my head.
Size 7.5 shoes, and size small hat.
When we had registered all our sizes for things we were handed over our black carry on bag that wasn't supposed to leave our sides from this day forth. Instead of a purse this now goes with us. Day in and day out during our training days! It's a fancy Delsey Helium case.
The fun was over and we had to move out of the way for the next group and start working on our E-Learning modulars.
The rest of the day was spent at the computers learning Basic Aeronautics. Sweet stuff!
Tomorrow we head back to HQ for our Emirates Clinic Checks of all the documents we put into the envelope on our first day (when I was missing a bunch of information) and our ID photos.
Goodnight sleep tight!
Leanna xo

Sunday 1 July 2012

Scare Tactics

Back to the daily grind of a full week.
Last week was a piece of cake, just two days, now I have five to contend with.
I'm really getting the hang of the buses now! There shouldn't be any further incidents regarding them!
Today we had a lot of scare tactic presentations.
One from HR and one from EAP. I don't remember what it stands for anymore but it was something to the effect of counsellors if we needed to talk to someone off the record.
Now not only am I scared to cook and do laundry or turn the lights on (thanks to the fire marshal) I am now totally terrified of getting into a taxi or leaving my building.
Thanks for that!
I was so proud yesterday for hailing my first taxi all by myself and getting to the mall and back home. Now I can't imagine what I was thinking! I was taking my life into my own hands! By the way on my first trip out into the city alone I found an awesome blow dryer (the one I brought from home when plugged into the adapter went a little crazy and started to smell like burning plastic, it needs to go home as it's clearly very uncomfortable here)
So it's a good thing I understand the Emirates bus network, as I will be using it a lot more often.
They say these unlikely things only happen when people are drunk out of their minds, and that shouldn't ever be a problem for me, but now I just don't want to trust anyone at all.
I thought it was crazy to think of buying a vehicle when I first arrived and now suddenly it seems like a perfectly lovely option! I will keep you posted.
Now when I get into a taxi I make fake calls and tell the person who isn't on the phone where I am going and I will be right there to meet up with them and then I loudly give them the taxi number I am in. I find it hilarious when they jerk their heads up to look at me in the mirror, but I don't care.

Anyways, onto something else!
At the end of the day we had to go register at the clinic for more medical tests on wednesday. (Yes MORE) So of course, I had a hunch that something would go wrong, sure enough. My paperwork was missing from the pile with everyone else's. Awesome!
My induction officer was running around with her head cut off to find it. You'll never guess in a million years where she found it.
Upstairs, shredding pile, with resigned written all over it.
Don't ask me what that was all about, it still boggles my mind. Then I proceeded to get asked by everyone around me if I had resigned.
More eye rolling. These people clearly need me.
Can't wait for more surprises tomorrow!
Stay tuned!
Leanna xo